Four Dads take the stage in ballerina outfits for hilarious interpretation of ‘Swan Lake’

When we think of fathers, we normally picture them with tools, fixing or building something in our homes.

It may be mending their cars or constructing our study table.

Our fathers are the fixers, problem solvers, and providers in our lives, and they always appear to be tough and strong.

But some dads can also dance.

Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash Source: Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash

We can all agree that dads enjoy making us laugh. A laugh that will undoubtedly make our stomachs hurt.

These four dads are hilarious.

In this video, we witnessed a not-so-typical performance from dads. The video was posted by Amato Galasso.

The four dads braved the stage in their ballet costumes for the Father’s Day celebration. Yes, definitely for their kids.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

But they made sure to share a good laugh with the audience when they came out.

They wore all-white ballet costumes.

The audience began to clap and laugh when they appeared on stage wearing all-white ballerina costumes. They, too, wore white veil headdresses.

These fathers undoubtedly put in a lot of time and effort to give the best performance they can to the people.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

They not only put effort into their outfits, but they can also dance beautifully.

They chose Swan Lake.

A classic ballet performance, to perform. They begin by running and then jumping.

They were sprinting in place while holding hands with each other. They resemble gentle ballerinas, and they like bouncing while dancing.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

They owned the night.

This night became the night that they will never forget forever.

You will hear the laughter of the audience in the background.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

300K views on Youtube

The views on YouTube reached more than 300,000 and received a lot of positive comments from followers.

One follower said that this is great work, and she had so much fun watching the four dads dance on stage.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

Another comment said that these four dads break the traditional activity for dads, which is male sports.

The dads succeeded in two things:

Making sure the audience had a great Father’s Day celebration and, of course, making their kids happy.

Amato Galasso Youtube Source: Amato Galasso Youtube

And today, not only the live audience was happy. We, too, who have watched it many times, are laughing out loud.

See these 4 dads act out their hilarious take on ‘Swan Lake’ in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: U.S. News, Amado Galasso Youtube
