Tiniest 4-year-old steps on stage and captivates room with dance to Beyonce's 'Halo'

Not many of us can remember how we were at four-years-old.

However, it’s safe to say that we were probably indecisive, full of energy, curious, and maybe a little stubborn. Regardless, we have all literally been there and as we get older, some of us may wish to go back!

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But we must say, there’s nothing like the independence of adulthood even with the added responsibilities! Still, it is always nice to escape every once in a while.

One little girl is allowing us to relive our glory days as a child with her stellar dance routine.

Belle Arauz reminds us that we were likely nimble and athletic! Something we may not be able to say that we are now.

Youtube Source: Youtube

But more importantly, she shows us how carefree those days were.

Belle dances to a rendition of Beyonce’s, “Halo” in competition at Spotlight Dance Academy in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Instead of Beyonce serenading the audience with her version of the beautiful song, it was covered by Jasmine Thompson.

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Even with the cameras and all of the eyes watching, Belle performs one of the cutest routines to date. She manages to do so, unfazed. She doesn’t appear to even miss a step because even if she did, she continued as if nothing had gone wrong.

Youtube Source: Youtube

Aside from looking like a perfect ballerina, her smile seems genuine. Belle looks to be having a great time simply entertaining others as she does what she loves, which may be another aspect of childhood that gets lost on our ways to adulthood.

According to CHOC Children’s, four-years-old is generally the age where most children “start learning how to do things like hop, skip, and somersault.”

Clearly, Belle is a pro with these, no doubt.

Youtube Source: Youtube

In the video, she sports a turquoise leotard with shimmering sparkles and a headpiece to match. Her earrings even “bling” from her ears. No wonder she chose a song from one of the most well-known divas of today. Simply, she looks like a star!

When the video begins, Belle is already wearing a smile.

The first thing she does is show us just how inflexible we are. She extends her right leg out, without wobbling, and proceeds to sit down onto the floor without falling.

Youtube Source: Youtube

I don’t even know if I could have done this at that age!

She continues to disgrace us all with her poise and confidence. She tumbles with so much grace and lands gently after each flip, tumble, and summersault.

Youtube Source: Youtube

There is also a rhythm to which she moves that even when she does speed up her routine just a tad, she never goes out of sync with the music. It really is quite wondrous.

Belle dances for two straight minutes, all while keeping her toes pointed and a smile on her face.

Youtube Source: Youtube

She ends the video just as gracefully as she began.

All of her hard work paid off. Belle ended up finishing in fourth place! Her parents and coach must be extremely proud of her!

Youtube Source: Youtube

The choreography was put together by Jennifer Travieso who also happens to be both the director and founder of the dance academy.

That is pretty neat!

Congratulations to Belle and all of the other amazing dancers who participated! Watch the full performance below.

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