Mischievous rescue cat gets solitary confinement after helping all the other shelter cats escape

Cats are notoriously clever and love to get into trouble. But Quilty the revolutionary rescue kitten has taken his smarts to the next level. He even outsmarted some humans.

He wanted to make a change, and oh boy, did he ever!

This little rebel planned an entire Prison Break style escape from a shelter, and helped all his senior ‘cellmates’ find freedom. Well, at least the freedom to leave one room they were kept in.

His actions got him tossed in solitary confinement, but that’s just one of the risks of sticking it to the man, man. If he could make a little peace sign with his paws, I’m sure he would.

7-year-old Quilty was found and brought to the Friends for Life Animal Shelter in Houston, Texas.

He was notorious for opening doors at his former family’s house, but the staff and the shelter didn’t take this note seriously.

It’s common for some cats to learn how to let themselves out through the patio door, and some have even learned to open the fridge! But it didn’t seem like something they needed to worry about.

Flickr, Jorbasa Fotografie Source: Flickr, Jorbasa Fotografie

So sneaky Quilty was put into a normal room at the shelter alongside more than a dozen other senior cats.

Shortly after he arrived the staff started noticing something weird. Many of the cats were found wandering the hallways and other rooms of the shelter every morning.

They had to go around and pick each cat up one by one, tracking them all down and putting them back in their assigned place. Jennifer Hopkins, the communications lead at Friends for Life, spoke to CNN about the mystery.

“We would come in in the morning and have to collect all 15 of the cats who had had a blast during the night.”

They eventually decided they had to look at the security cameras to get to the bottom of it. And, surprise surprise, they caught Quilty red-handed!


He was recorded jumping up and unlocking the door handle, setting himself and all his furry friends “free”.

What a clever cat!

To avoid dealing with this issue every morning, the staff had to deal with their little rebel and separated him from his friends.

Instagram, free_quilty Source: Instagram, free_quilty

They put him in “solitary confinement” in the shelter’s lobby and “Quilty-proofed” the rest of the building.

You can tell he’s not a big fan of being kept behind walls and closed doors.

Instagram, free_quilty Source: Instagram, free_quilty

He was quickly adopted after the shelter shared his story. Even though he had a track record, prospective new parents were very keen to take him home.

Of course, the shelter had to warn his adopted parents about his criminal record of escape. But so far, it seems like he’s behaving in his new home.


Quilty’s rebellious actions earned him not one but two Instagram pages where he has thousands of adoring fans.

One page, free_quilty, now focuses on other cats but hails Quilty (also known as the “spicy a-hole”) as the inspiration for an entire “Feline Liberation Movement”. And the other, quilty.chronicles, is run by his new adoptive mom.

He’s finally free!


Follow him to keep up with his antics!

Watch the video below for more details about his hilarious shelter escape.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Insider, CNN, Friends4Life, Instagram
