Frozen kitten makes miraculous recovery after being mistaken as chunk of ice

frozen kitty

Two officers from The Royal Canadian Mountain Police made an interesting discovery when they were out on patrol. It was cold and stormy, so when they saw something in the middle of the road, they thought it was just a piece of ice. They soon realized it was something much more precious.

Cpl. Sean Chiddenton was riding along and swerved quickly to avoid something he saw in the road.

“I thought it was a chunk of ice that had fallen off a semi at first, but then thought it looked like an animal,” Chiddenton said in a Facebook post on the Saskatchewan RCMP page.

frozen kitty makes recovery

Global News screenshot Source: Global News screenshot

He wasn’t the only one. Another officer, Cst. Ryan Oram was behind him. He thought there was something strange in the middle of the road too. At first, he thought it was a piece of ice also. The object somehow passed under his car, unharmed.

Oram thought twice about the odd-shaped ice-block and came to the same conclusion as the other officer; it may have been an animal. So, he decided to stop, but he never expected what happened next.

The block of ice started walking towards the patrolmen!

It turned out that their concerns were right. The little block of ice was really a tiny ginger kitten!

frozen kitty makes recovery
Global News Screenshot Source: Global News Screenshot

Although they’re not really sure what happened, the officers think that the little kitty was hiding in the underbelly of a vehicle for shelter from the cold, stormy weather. They think he fell out or jumped.

With the extreme cold from the blizzard, the poor kitten was nearly frozen through!

They knew the cat was alive still because he was meowing like crazy. That was certainly a good sign.

So, they dropped him off at a local vet to get checked out, since they had no idea how long he may have been out in the elements.

The vet who treated the kitten said the little guy was nearly frozen solid.

“We actually couldn’t even get a body temperature to register for him until about 45 minutes of working to try and get his body temperature to increase. He was obviously very hypothermic and very frostbitten,” the vet who treated the kitten disclosed in an interview with the Global News.

frozen kitty makes recovery
Global News Screenshot Source: Global News Screenshot

Despite the extremely cold conditions, the kitten went on to prove he really does have nine lives.

When the officers went back to check on him, they were happy to find him doing pretty good and still meowing.

The vet expected the kitten would make a full recovery, despite maybe having to have his tail amputated due to frostbite.

frozen kitten makes recovery

Global News Screenshot Source: Global News Screenshot

While this kitty spent time at the vet clinic, he was named Ambrose, and even found a new home.

One of the doctors at the clinic decided to adopt Ambrose, who made a rather quick recovery. It’s a happy ending to what could have been a very different story. Ambrose’s story is so amazing that it’s still making headlines today, even three years later.

We think it’s safe to say that this is one lucky cat, and we’re happy to know he’s got a loving family who will always be there to keep him warm in the future.

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Source: Global News
