Dad tries to teach toddler singing lessons with hilarious results

Many people dream of the day they can have their own families, welcoming their own little ones into the world and trying to be the best mother or father they can be. Then they actually have kids and realize that parenting is quite hard!

Raising kids certainly isn’t easy. It can be stressful, time-consuming, and even scary at times, but it can also be the most richly rewarding experience on Earth, if you approach it in the right way.


One New Zealand dad named Jordan Watson is reminding us all of the joys of parenting through his ‘How to Dad‘ YouTube channel, where he regularly uploads humorous ‘instructional’ videos helping people with their parenting.

Jordan’s videos, which include tips on everything from ‘How to braid a little girl’s hair’ to ‘How to home-school kids during lockdown’ have been hugely successful.

He’s gotten hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of combined views across his many clips, and major news outlets like The Guardian have taken the time to interview him and learn more about his story too.

“I’m just a typical Kiwi dad. Kind of taken to the extreme in the DIY style,” explained Watson, later adding, “I just think if I find it funny and it’s a laugh for parents, it ticks the right boxes.”

One of Watson’s most popular videos is entitled ‘How to Teach a Toddler to Sing’.

As the name implies, the video focuses on Watson trying to teach his 2-year-old daughter, Nala, how to sing, introducing her to all kinds of different musical genres from R&B to death metal.

Of course, as usual with ‘How to Dad’ videos, hilarity ensues!

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

The video starts off with Watson teaching Nala about the ‘fundamentals’ of music, which essentially just involves him singing various notes and then asking Nala to do the same.

She does a pretty good job of hitting the high notes, and then Watson starts to take it down low, leaning over the table and watching Nala try to imitate his actions.

It’s so cute how the little one mimics her papa, and the video only gets better from there.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

Next up, Watson starts to go through the different musical genres, starting off with pop.

For each genre, he blasts out a few little vocals, complete with some funny bodily movements and gestures. Nala then tries to copy him.

Her imitation of R&B is something truly special, and it’s absolutely adorable when she stands up on her chair and holds her arms out wide to copy her papa’s impersonation of operatic music.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

When we get to the rock segment, little Nala raises her arm and yells as loud as her little lungs can manage, and then her guttural growl for the death metal part of the video is simply amazing!

Beneath that sweet exterior, it seems that a serious hardcore rocker is just waiting to bust out!

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

Watson then holds a super long note for the classical part, which Nala does a great job of copying, before giving us a little hip-hop.

Once again, Nala totally nails it, and they finish up with one last little bit of R&B, before sharing a high-five as Watson congratulates his daughter on her singing.

The video was uploaded back in February and already has over 800,000 views, with tens of thousands of likes and many happy comments underneath. Enjoy it for yourself below and be sure to check out Watson’s other clips, along with his Instagram account for more videos and daily updates.

Watch the adorable video below.

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Source: YouTube, Instagram, The Guardian
