35 Kids Who Didn’t Hold Back The Truth About Mommy And Daddy

Every parent loves to get hand drawn pictures from their child. Notes of endearment and loving pictures are usually kept for a lifetime to look back with love and admiration. But in the case of these little budding artists, their drawings probably didn’t make it on proud display for the refrigerator.

Whether it’s dad (or mom) passing too much gas, or wrestling matches that seem to happen in the parent’s bedroom, these little kids just draw it like it is. At least, in their eyes anyhow. Scroll through and get a laugh along with their moms and dads.

1. Too much truth

When the teacher asks for an assignment to tell about your family, you just never know what’s going to come out. In this case, probably a little more information than mom wanted to give away.

passiveagressivenotes Source: passiveagressivenotes

2. Mom transformation

We can’t imagine she looks quite that bad in the morning, but she sure does clean up nice to go out for the night.

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3. What mom likes

The assignment was to write just one sentence about a family member. Mission accomplished.

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4. Describe your father

Another easy assignment from the teacher: describe your father. Done.

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5. We all got problems

When it come to who’s eating the most at picnics, it’s not the mosquitoes, it’s not the dog, it’s dad. Apparently he’s chubby.

elfleetz3000 Source: elfleetz3000

6. Mom’s true love

Well, that is according to her kid. Dad’s allergic to Facebook, but looks like mom makes up for it.

BoredPanda Source: BoredPanda

7. It’s not just dads

Usually dads get all the blame for suspicious smells in the house. But in this house, it’s mom.

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8. Draw a picture of Mommy they said

Well, if nothing else, perhaps this child captured the sentiment that cleaning isn’t always that fun.

yaplakai Source: yaplakai

9. Wrestle time

Another case of an assignment gone wrong. We are wondering how dad explained this to his little artist when it got sent home.

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10. Loving Father’s Day card

Loving and . . . . truthful. And apparently going by the skull and crossbones, it gets pretty potent too.

andrewthemighty Source: andrewthemighty

11. My Dad

In a nutshell, looks like Emma covered the basics. Dad likes beer, farting, and the Dollar Store among other things. At least – according to Emma.

whrethesquidsare Source: whrethesquidsare

12. The end of meatloaf

This child is thankful for a lot of things that a kid should be thankful for. And looks like he’s really glad meatloaf won’t be served any more. Sorry mom.

”” Source: ””

13. Honest letter

Probably dad knows mom feels this way, but just in case he didn’t, there’s his honest daughter breaking the truth to him.

xfloormattx Source: xfloormattx

14. Just in case you didn’t notice . . .

This young child wants to make sure you know that’s a mole on dad’s forehead. Not just any mole, but a big one.

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15. See ya

Looks like things didn’t go well for mom and dad here.

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16. Sorry mom, can’t deliver

So much love in this card, and so much honesty. Sorry mom, the kid’s broke, but the heartfelt sentiment is there.

mommydees Source: mommydees

17. All ears

There’s a lot going on in the picture and overall it looks very loving. But it also looks like this family has either no ears or some very interesting ones.

michaelbergenstjerna Source: michaelbergenstjerna

18. Potty time?

It’s kinda hard to tell what’s happening here, but the best guess is mom has a gift to give – and she also has to go to the bathroom.

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19. T is for . . .

At least this young artist knew there was an “i” in the word tights. But it sure came out differently in the drawing.

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20. Time for a little “truth brush”

Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. And, in the eyes of this little guy: Dad’s a little on the heavy side.

teplin Source: teplin

21. Wrestle time

In corner one: it’s mom. Corner two: Dad. And to figure out the rest of the drawing, we’ll leave that up to the parents.

22. First day drawing

Whoever this drawing is of, it looks pretty safe to say it’s a woman.

Copernicat Source: Copernicat

23. Strategically placed pompoms

Give a kid some googly eyes, string, button, and pompoms and you never know what’s going to happen.

Gremlin_ Source: Gremlin_

24. When dinosaurs ruled the earth

Lots of kids have imaginations about dinosaurs. This one gets pretty realistic.

TheActualDev Source: TheActualDev

25. Evan’s got it right

Mommy shows love and daddy passes gas. Sounds about right in most marriages.

BoredPanda Source: BoredPanda

26. These people live in my house

Mommy, check. Daddy, check. Child, check. But is that a ghost and a snake in the other windows?

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27. Very big fingers

Everyone looks very happy in this family despite their very, very large fingers.

theraucousmum Source: theraucousmum

28. When I grow up . . .

I want to be just like mommy. Not sure what mommy is really doing here, but her little artist certainly communicated something else.

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29. Only just a little bit

Sure, all moms yell from one time to another. Thankfully this mom only yells just a little bit.

shan_johnston Source: shan_johnston

30. Overall it was a fun time

This child has quite the imagination. They had a fun time with mom, dad, the cat – and thankfully no demons this time around.

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31. Leave it to a kid

She decided to draw a picture of her daddy. Maybe a little more of daddy than he would have preferred . . .

wendystizza Source: wendystizza

32. Passport decor

Uh oh. A little artist got a hold of this passport and daddy got an intense makeover.

shadow_shooter Source: shadow_shooter

33. Not a fan of sushi

At least that’s our best guess of what this little artist is communicating.

said_the_teacher Source: said_the_teacher

34. Smoking is bad for you

Apparently this kid has seen the detrimental effects smoking can have on a person and is making their own public service announcement.

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35. Aliens in view

Just when you are having a fun time with your family in the forest with the butterflies dancing around you, out pops an alien.

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Source: Bored Panda, Ranker
