Dad of 4 shares honest Instagram pics and gains massive online following

The thing about social media is that it’s hardly a look into what really goes on in people’s lives.

Instagram in particular is seen as a “highlights reel” – a place to post your best moments, while hiding your worst moments in an attempt to kid your friends and family that your life is better than theirs.

We all know that the reality is very different, especially for parents.

Anna Shvets/ Pexels Source: Anna Shvets/ Pexels

Behind the posed pictures of smiling children on expensive days out, there are toddler tantrums, refusals to eat dinner, arguments over who gets to sit where in the car, and a whole host of awkward scenarios that only little kids could be responsible for.

One dad who’s determined to tell it like it is on Instagram is Simon Hooper – AKA Father of Daughters.

Simon is the proud dad of four kids, which leaves him greatly outnumbered in his household.

His Instagram page is full of pictures of himself and his family, and the hilarious captions that accompany them are well worth a read.

Simon doesn’t like to sugarcoat things, and he certainly never pretends that things are going swimmingly when they’re not.

He’s honest about raising his four daughters in the modern world, and this honesty is what makes people love him.

Some of Simon’s most hilarious posts talk about the challenges other parents are hesitant to mention.

Take sex education, for instance. When Simon’s eldest daughter was taking a sex ed class at school, she had all sorts of questions for Simon – including how many times he and her mom had had sex, and why he’d had so many kids if he wore a condom. Awkward!

Simon shares plenty of parenting wins, too, especially the stuff that’s pretty easy to do, but makes the kids feel like they’ve won the lottery.

During lockdown, for instance, he crafted a “race car” from a cardboard box and sat two of his youngest daughters inside, then put them in front of a TV showing a real race car from the perspective of the driver. Genius.

Simon really does share all on his Instagram, and his followers can’t get enough of his hilarious tales.

Whether he’s the nominated parent to take the kids swimming, picking up a screaming child on the muddy floor during a countryside walk, or posing after getting his makeup expertly applied by several little girls, Simon’s posts always guarantee to be a source of entertainment.

If only Instagram was full of accounts like these, with people sharing the real highs and lows of parenting, rather than just the highlights.

As a parent, you can often feel like you’re the only one dealing with the stresses of raising kids.

Simon’s Instagram account is proof that this just isn’t the case. Parenthood is a rollercoaster, and all sorts of unexpected moments – good and bad – occur on a daily basis.

If you haven’t had a proper look at Father of Daughters on Instagram yet, you definitely should! Click the link to visit it here.

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Source: Bored Panda, Instagram
