15 seriously funny tweets with unexpected endings


Is it just me, or are people just getting funnier every day? Maybe it’s something in the water.

These tweets are limited to the 280 character limit, but a well-done joke doesn’t even need close to that many. There are many surprise endings to the jokes listed below.

Take a look down the list and see what I mean. People are very literal with the phrasing of the jokes, and then there are people being a bit dark with their humor. In both cases, it’s just for fun, and we hope you get a good laugh.

1. Jump for your life

When death is on the line, you might find yourself doing things you never thought you’d do. Unless you’ve been in the situation, don’t judge.

2. Surprise!

I guess this is one way you can bring the awkwardness to the table. This certainly won’t end well.

3. Dad joke

This one just feels like a classic. However, if this is not a joke, make sure to keep an eye on the people around you.

4. It makes a lot of sense

Husbands seem to love to test the patience of their wives. But we can all agree that gummy bears are tiny so, you need to get a handful in your mouth to obtain satisfaction.

5. So they are organic?

With the way technology advances so quickly, how far away are we from talking carrots?

6. Ouch!

Apparently, this guy was the spoiled child in the family. But he has a great sense of humor despite the angry siblings.

7. Get a hotel room

I don’t know who can get in the mood while at IKEA with the amount of human madness and the smell of pickled herring and meatballs. No thanks.

8. They have come to a decision.

I wonder how old the kids were before the parents decided to abandon them. They must be ready for the adult world, I guess.

9. Get me off this thing!

This is hilarious as a reader but, if you were on this flight, it would be the scariest day of your life. And maybe the last.

10. Time to leave

No time for dilly dally. When you are hungry, and someone hands you food, you grab it, and you go!

11. Moms work really hard

Every mom deserves a break from their children. Looks like a plane isn’t the place that moms get to take that break.

12. You might want to talk about this

I did not see that coming. Let’s just hope she didn’t help you remove your seatbelt as well.

13. Same with punctuation

But I’ll spare you the redundancy of a similar joke.

14. They got you!

This one really pays tribute to the power of a product. It really works! Maybe a bit much, but it works!

15. Keeping your job title

This guy is very smart. He knows how to keep the house happy as the “man” in the house.

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Source: Shareably
