Garbage man realizes senior hasn’t put her trash out for weeks and ends up saving her life

You never know how much someone needs you until you ask them.

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Many of us are hesitant to ask someone if they’re doing okay. We don’t pursue them because we don’t want to pry. We’ll assume they’re fine by themselves and they’ll come to us if they need any help.

But some people aren’t comfortable sharing their problems up front.

They don’t want to give anyone else stress and would rather suffer than open up. If you want to help these types of people, you’ll have to take the first step. Once they see your kindness, they’ll happily share all their pain with you.

The story of an elderly woman from Louisville, Kentucky is similar.


A 90-year-old woman from Louisville, Kentucky was living a miserable life and no one from her neighborhood had any idea. She had problems but had no one to share them with.

When nobody came to her aid, an employee from the garbage company stepped in.


Jake Bland, the company’s operations manager, noticed that an elderly woman hadn’t put out trash for two weeks. Normal people would ignore it, but Jake felt something was off. So he decided to inquire and see if everything was okay.

“It was even in a nice neighborhood. You never know what’s going on in your neighbor’s house” Jake Bland

Jake Bland asked dispatch to call the customer and check on her.

Home Town Hauling Company Source: Home Town Hauling Company

The dispatch call for Bland was quickly received by Bernice Arthur. Bernice Arthur took action without any delay and contacted the elderly woman immediately. Arthur and Bland, after checking on the woman, learned that she didn’t have any food.

Pexels - Markus Spiske Source: Pexels - Markus Spiske

The woman had no trash to throw as she was left with nothing.


The elderly woman was left with no food because of the recent pandemic. The pandemic was harsh for many people and their families. Plenty of people lost their lives and those who survived lost their jobs and their means of livelihood. Many of us were not financially or physically prepared to survive this disaster.

Some people who were fortunate enough to sustain the pandemic stepped forward to assist those in need—Jake Bland, Bernice Arthur, and Hometown Hauling are some of them.

Arthur was devastated when she heard the elderly woman’s story.


The elderly woman had no food for weeks. She couldn’t go outside and buy some as most people were advised to stay at home.

“She just didn’t have nothing to eat,” Arthur said, “and that’s why she had no trash to put out there.” She added.

The elderly woman didn’t have food, but that wasn’t the only thing she was suffering from. She was also suffering from loneliness. No one from her family was with her. Arthur decided to solve this problem too—by giving her a family.

“She has no family, nobody. I said you do have a family now.” Bernice Arthur

Whenever the elderly woman needs help, Arthur and the company are always there for her.


They all call the elderly woman Mrs. W. Jake Bland did the grocery shopping for Mrs. W and made sure that she won’t run out of essentials anytime soon. Hometown Hauling, the local garbage company, paid all the expenses.

It is because of the effort of Jake, Arthur, and the company, that the elderly woman is fine.

“Had we not reached out to her — she wasn’t reaching out to anyone. It taught me, regardless, check on them. Put something on their porch. Let them know.” Bernice Arthur

We should always check around to see if someone needs help and provide them with all the assistance we can, or we can simply donate to any charity.

Even a little thing can make a difference.

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Source: WDRB, FaithPot.
