Gas attendant sees a bloody woman exit car and mouth “help” then attacker pops up behind her

While working at her gas station job in Florida, Rachel Craddock was going about her normal day-to-day business. As a cashier working the register, she had a good view of the parking lot and was keeping an eye on things.

Looking out, she saw something strange happening near one of the gas pumps.

In a strange turn of events, she watched a woman with extension cords wrapped around her ankles and wrists running from one of the parked cars. As she watched, a man who was already inside the store saw the woman and ran out to put her back in the car she came from.
After the clerk realized what was going on, she lept to action.

The woman who was tied up ran over to the clerk’s door and started banging on it, crying for help. She screamed that the man was going to kill her is she wasn’t able to get away this time. The situation was dire.
Rachel opened the door and pulled the woman in.

Turning around and swiftly locking it, the woman was safe for the time being. Rachel then went around and locked all the doors so the offender couldn’t re-enter and try anything dangerous.
Once Rachel was close to the woman, she saw how bad things were.

The poor woman was in rough shape. Her hair was matted with blood from a gash on her head and she was hysteric. She had clearly been hurt and abused. The man who did this to her was still in the parking lot!
Calling 911, she hoped to catch the man.

Once he realized that the woman was safe inside, however, he fled the scene. The ambulance soon came and was able to safely take the woman who was hurt back to the hospital and put her under protection.
The story for Rachel ends there, but more news surfaced as to what exactly happened that day.

Several miles away, Cody Jackson got into a fight with a woman. During the fight, he hit her with a piece of wood across the head and then forced her into the car. While she was in the car, he tied her up with the cords in case she woke up from her injury.
While stopping inside the gas station Rachel was out, the woman woke up fully and was able to loosen the cables.
Once they were loose, she was able to get out of the car and run towards the building. Cody, the man who did this to the woman, had escaped, unfortunately. He had a violent record and has previous charges – plainly, he’s a dangerous man.
Even though Cody is still out there, it’s good to know people like Rachel are, too!

You never know when something will happen that requires you to be a hero. Usually, it’s pretty scary. It’s always worth the fear, however. Saving someone’s life is no small thing!
Make sure you check out the news clip of the event below!
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