Gay man called hurtful slur while waiting in line – then he buys their groceries after card was declined

As much as is pains me to type, discrimination is alive and well the world. Some people continue to hold on to old ideas of how one should live their life and are even willing to spew ignorance virtually anywhere to push their hateful views. When this gay man was called the F-word by an old man in line at the grocery store, he did something more shocking than pummeling him.

It’s always better to be the bigger person, this can teach us all a lot!

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An “old fashioned” man called this gay man the F-word but got a much different response than he expected. His kind heart is inspiring people everywhere, to be the bigger person

Matt Dorio is a successful gay man who lives in one of the most progressive states in the country, yet hate still found him. Portland, Oregon is a city like no other, especially when it comes to the LBGTQ community. It’s a city where people accept you no matter what your sexual preference, but no matter where you go, there will always be those “bad apples”.

I'll fit in here just nicely lol.

Posted by Matt Dorio onSaturday, August 22, 2015

Matt works in sports management for the Portland Trail Blazers, on the day of the incident he was wearing a TrailBlazer Pride sweatshirt. He was in line at the grocery store when a disgruntled man behind him uttered:

“Why are you wearing that rainbow shirt? Are you some sort of fa****”

Instead of fighting hate with anger, Matt simply said:

My #1 guy 😁

Posted by Matt Dorio onSaturday, December 7, 2019

In the post that has since been deleted from Facebook, Matt said:

“Well sir, I am a gay man yes. And I wear this to show people that I am not only proud of myself and my community, but also the organization I work for who supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

The man only got angrier, what he said next is horrible

Flickr(not the actual man) Source: Flickr(not the actual man)

After Matt’s intelligent response, the man got even worse, Matt explained in his post:

“He then proceeded to say ‘Have fun in hell homo, hope you’re proud of the choice you decided to make.’ This man then goes on to mumble homophobic slurs to me, the whole time I’m waiting in line. I ignore him, pay for my food, and start to walk away.”

That’s when karma kicked in. As the hateful man went to pay for his groceries, his card got declined

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Matt, being the guy that he is, decided to show the man something amazing, love. Regardless of what the man had said to him, Matt knew that hating him would only put himself in the same boat of anger, so instead of punching him or flipping him off, Matt paid for his groceries. The post went on to say:

Posted by Matt Dorio onMonday, August 6, 2012

“I then notice his card gets declined. He keeps trying, and trying and he isn’t able to pay for his food. I walk up to the cash register and pay for his 3 items. He looks at me and goes, ‘why would you do that?’ I said ‘well sir, unlike my sexuality, which is not a choice…I’m choosing to be a nice person. I hope you find it in your heart to understand your words can be hurtful, but I’m choosing to see you for the person you are, and I wanted to help you.’ He said nothing, and I walked away.”

Way to go Matt! This is how we should all react to hate, love conquers all else

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Matt could have easily berated the man for having no money, but he didn’t. Instead, he chose to show him compassion as a human being. In the face of anger and hate, love will always win and this proves it!

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