German shepherd and tiny ferret become the best of friends

All it takes is one look at an unlikely friendship between animals to know that love knows no bounds. Check out this example that is probably one of the cutest and best-documented friendships on the internet.

Nova the German shepherd and Pacco the ferret have been best buddies since the day they met. Their owner Diana Grib said that they live together in harmony, with no idea of their differences.

Instagram Source: Instagram

Diana says that she has always done her best to introduce Nova to all kinds of different animals. The list includes rats, cats, and parrots. She has invested significant time teaching her pup to get along with all types of creatures.

Once Nova was fully grown, Diana fulfilled her dream of also owning a ferret. She contacted many breeders seeking a particularly well-trained ferret that could live alongside a dog. Her search led her to Krakow, Poland where she adopted Pacco.

Instagram Source: Instagram

Despite their physical differences Nova and Pacco have many similarities in their personalities. They are both playful, bold, and above all else, super curious. The fact that they are both so used to different animals allows them to get along nicely.

At first, Pacco didn’t take much notice of Nova, but after a few days of being followed around by the friendly German shepherd, she took to more playful behavior. That’s when the fun began!

Now, the pair do everything together and are in a constant state of play. Unless they are asleep, which they also love to do together!

Instagram Source: Instagram

“It sometimes feels that I own two dogs,” Diana told Bored Panda. The ruler of the house, however, is the ferret. “Considering that ferrets are cheeky and stubborn, it’s understandable. Nova is really happy to just have someone by her side.”

Diana says that it takes a lot of research and learning to give a ferret a proper home.

“From creating a safe environment in the house to developing a raw menu, health issues and dealing with poop, you have to know a lot about them,” she explained. “Before I got Pacco, I spent at least half a year gathering information. Still, I’m learning about him every day.”

Instagram Source: Instagram

Nova is an incredibly friendly dog and is always ready to share her loving nature with others, whether it’s her ferret friend or a passing stranger.

“It also helps that she’s very patient. She doesn’t get mad at Pacco even if he hurts her a little bit while playing.”

These two have a deep and real connection that is impressive and adorable by any standards

Instagram Source: Instagram

If you’re interested in Ferret ownership Diana has more information that is important.

“For starters, they bite. Some do it more, some less, but they definitely let you know if they don’t like something. They also sense fear, so if you get afraid of them, they’ll use it to their advantage.” So, if you have little kids running around or aren’t willing to put up with their neediness, maybe you shouldn’t get one.”

Another thing to consider is their health.

“You really need to pay close attention to the conditions you create for them and the food you give them. If you mess something up, it can quickly snowball into huge veterinary bills.”

PetMD has a great page dedicated to the details of ferret care. Check it out here

If you want to follow Nova and Pacco’s adventures, check out their Instagram account

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Source: BoredPanda, Instagram, PetMD
