German shepherd has close encounter with meteorite, now his dog house is selling for $200,000

A dog house should be a simple little thing, made of wood and some steel. Its one and only purpose is to give your dog some privacy and shelter.

Yet as fate would have it, this dog house encountered something truly out-of-this-world.

This took place in Costa Rica.

Right at the center of it all was a very confused German Shepherd name Roky.

He just wanted some peace and quiet in his doghouse.

But sometimes, the most unexpected things come crashing through your door. Or your roof, in this case.

A meteor shower happened to occur over the area, with Roky’s doghouse right underneath.

Pexels - Neale LaSall Source: Pexels - Neale LaSall

We’ve come to understand the patterns and locations of plenty of meteor showers. All thanks to years of technology and science. Though I don’t think anyone considered how often meteorites would come careening down onto a pet’s house.

NASA actively monitors meteor showers and can tell when one approaches.

Pexels - Brett Sayles Source: Pexels - Brett Sayles

Those incredibly powerful telescopes deserve all the recognition. Of course, tracking an incoming meteor shower is one thing. It’s another to guess if they’re going to hit anything.

Meteorites are, after all, only small fragments of rock. It’s the asteroids that are the big, worrying ones. For example, it was an asteroid that hit the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous. A meteor wouldn’t have come close to doing as much damage.

Pixabay - AlexAntropov86 Source: Pixabay - AlexAntropov86

Funnily enough, Jurassic Park took place on an island off the coast of Costa Rica.

Maybe this meteorite thought there were still dinosaurs there, and landed on the wrong side of the ocean? Who knows.

But small as they may be, they are still dangerous in their own right. They could damage property, or worse, badly hit a living thing on impact.

Pexels - Erik Mclean Source: Pexels - Erik Mclean

Thankfully, Roky was fine.

The meteorite tore a hole through the roof of his doghouse but missed him by a little bit.

Talk about a close call!

Now, what’s to be done with this piece of rock from outer space? Surely they can’t just leave it in the yard.

Like with any rare thing, it’s going to be auctioned off.

The meteorite itself is quite small. Small enough to fit in a typical glass display case.

The price it’s expected to fetch is between $40,000 and $60,000. That’s a lot of money for such a small rock! Though I do hope some of that money goes to a new dog house for Roky.

The British Auction house got involved and said the following :

“Aguas Zarcas meteorites are the same type as Murchison, among the most researched meteorites of all time. “These samples not only contain tens of thousands of prebiotics, including amino acids, but also pre-solar grains ranging up to twice the age of the solar system. Today, many cosmochemists throughout the world are either investigating Aguas Zarcas specimens or waiting to obtain them.”

The doghouse is also going on auction.

Yes, separate from the meteorite – and it’s already got 16 bids on it. Roky could definitely use a new doghouse. So the more bids, the better.

Learn more about this story in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Amaze Lab, Boston25 News, Science Times
