Injured German shepherd found wandering forest with medical cone on its neck

One German shepherd is being hailed as a wonder dog after he was found wandering the California wilderness, lost and wearing a medical cone. Found in the Jackson State Forest by riders on horseback, the dog was found limping and bleeding. As for where he was from, at the time no one knew.

A dog is found wandering the wilderness

Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty Source: Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty

Davina Marie Liberty was one of the riders who found the dog. She commented about the experience on a YouTube video:

“Out horseback riding and found a lost dog found in Caspar, Jackson State forest. Was about two miles from the Scales, heading towards the parking area, so has been in the woods. Collar, no tag. Male. Wearing a medical cone, badly limping, bleeding, pus. Smells like death.”

The dog was soon receiving treatment

Pet Rescue Report Source: Pet Rescue Report

While it took a while to capture him, eventually Liberty was able to get a hold of him and he was and taken to the Mendocino Coast Humane Society. There it was revealed that the dog had a microchip and was named Thunder. Seven years old, Thunder was from Nevada. How he had ended up in the park was anybody’s guess at the time he was found.

The medical cone was embedded in his flesh

Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty Source: Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty

As a testament to how long he had been on his own, the medical cone he wore around his neck had become embedded in his skin. The wounds he had when found were consistent with a wild animal attack. Fortunately, he was found and soon underwent surgery to remove the cone.

Thunder’s owner was found

Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty Source: Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty

Surprisingly, The Humane Society and local law enforcement were able to find Thunder’s owner via his microchip, which hadn’t been updated since 2015. The owner did eventually agree to surrender Thunder to The Humane Society.

According to Thunder’s Facebook page:

“AN OWNER HAS BEEN LOCATED. The Humane Society and local law enforcement are in correspondence with them. Thank you so much to everyone who helped with the microchip search and shared the posts!!! The funds are still being used for Thunder due to the politics of the situation, which is still under investigation. (Thunder WILL NOT be released).”

Thunder is reunited with his rescuer

Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty Source: Facebook/Davina Marie Liberty

After multiple surgeries and much medical treatment, Thunder was reunited with Liberty who agreed to foster him. He now lives at her home with her other dogs where he is receiving the love he needs to make his recovery. Funds for his recovery were raised via the Mendocino Coast Humane Society, and the goal is eventually to adopt him into a loving home when he is ready.

Thunder is getting the treatment and love he needs

Facebook/Thunder, The Wonder Dog: The Cone Dog From the Woods Source: Facebook/Thunder, The Wonder Dog: The Cone Dog From the Woods

Thunder continues to recover with the aid of further medical treatments and surgeries, as well as Reiki and massage. For more on Thunder, visit his Facebook page. To donate to The Mendocino Coast Humane Society, visit the group’s page. Here is a video with more on Thunder’s arduous rescue.

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Source: Mermaid Liberty

H/T: Pet Rescue Report
