Brainy German shepherd accompanies veteran shopping and helps him grab all his favorite food

It’s no secret that German Shepherds can be remarkably intelligent. That’s the very reason they’re popular choices for service dogs.
The breed is as brainy as it is protective, and that’s why German Shepherds have cemented themselves as one of the most popular choices for pets.

Indeed, there are many benefits to a brainy canine. Asking them to help with small tasks is way easier, and more communication between pet and person is always great.
What’s more, an intelligent dog of the German Shepherd’s stature can take its protective duties to the next level. They can be trained to be more aware of threats and danger signs that an untrained dog would miss.
Brainy dogs are always adorable to watch, particularly the ones that use their smarts to help their families.

From none other than TikTok, this German Shepherd has gone viral for showing just how smart the breed can be.

This is C.C. She’s a service dog and is on a shopping trip with her dad, veteran Matthew Sutherland. Walmart stores can be pretty big, and even adults can get lost from time to time.
Having a helping service dog do the groceries with you makes for a fun time, I’d wager.

It was certainly fun to watch. In fact, “fun to watch” is putting it lightly. More likely, watching this take place could brighten your mood for the rest of the day.
See, Matthew needs some breakfast blend coffee.

The coffee is packaged in a distinctive, yellow box. Not a problem for humans like you, me, or Matthew. But he wants to show off just how brainy C.C can be.
Judging from the person filming, this isn’t the first time C.C has assisted Matthew with the shopping. We can hear voices in the video implying that they’ve seen this happen before.
C.C’s made a bit of a name for herself, it seems.
Matthew can be seen walking into the frame of the video. He’s got his eyes fixated on someone off-camera, who we can already guess is C.C.

But that’s mostly because the TikTok’s caption tells you right away who C.C is. If you were to just look at how Matthew is talking and pointing, you’d never know C.C was a dog.
“Down that way! Breakfast blend. Yellow.” – Matthew can be heard saying, as he points down the aisle.
The TikTok was filemd by @official_call_me_blue. She can even be heard saying how she tried to capture the same scene sometime before.
As we said, C.C seems to have some recognition from the shoppers at this Walmart already.

And we’re just about to see why.
Here comes C.C, back from the aisle. She got the breakfast blend coffee that Matthew asked for, and she seems glad that she did too.

It’s easy to see why this has over 1.1 million likes. C.C is a wonderful and very smart girl. Matthew probably couldn’t ask for a better companion.
Watch the video below!
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Source: Viral TikTok on YouTube, @official_call_me_blue on TikTok, German Shepherds on Dogtime