German shepherd mix missing for 8 years has no problem recognizing dad when they reunite

It’s never easy to recover from the heartbreak of losing someone who means the world to you. You find ways to cope but you never truly heal – while it will start feeling better over time, the void will always be there.

Pexels - Sofia Alejandra Source: Pexels - Sofia Alejandra

This is what Stevie Rodgers and his family felt when their two dogs, Kavick and Konan, slipped out of their gate and wandered off. The two dogs made their way to a farmer’s sheep field when tragedy struck.

The farmer shot at both dogs, killing Konan instantly. Kavick was able to flee but not without injuries.

Devastated about the loss, the family continued to search for their dog by putting up signs and offering a reward, even creating a post on Dog Lost with details such as their phone numbers and the last place Kavick was seen in.

Eventually, the family decided to accept that they would never see their dog again.

Finally carrying on with their lives, the last thing the family expected was to receive a call about Kavick. When they did, they were informed that the dog was in Birmingham, 300 miles away from their home. Dog Lost immediately reached out to Stevie who, in turn, didn’t hesitate to drive out.

It didn’t matter that he would be on the road for over four hours – what was important was a possible reunion with their beloved pet.

It took one look for Stevie to confirm that the German Shepherd mix was indeed Kavick, despite being skinnier and ten years older.

Stevie recalled,

“He came running over to me and started licking me like he’d seen me just yesterday. It was a very emotional reunion. I can’t quite believe it’s been more than eight years that he’s been gone but he has settled back in fine.”

Kavick had to see the veterinarian for a series of checkups. The dog was dehydrated and underweight but Stevie was determined to get his beloved Kavick back on track, however long the recovery may be. The dog must have felt so relieved to finally be with his family again, even if it took years. How wonderful that the reunion also meant professional treatment that would help address the dog’s health issues properly.

Happily referring to the reunion as a “Christmas miracle”, Stevie slept beside Kavick on the couch on the dog’s first day back home. It was a miracle indeed to find something you thought you hda lost forever. And because everyone else in the family was over the moon at having Kavick back, they decided it would be best to find a way to pay it forward. Everything that happened all seemed like something straight out of a book or movie – dog goes missing, family searches everywhere and begins to believe the worst, dog gets found.

It’s wonderful to know that despite being away from the family for years, Kavick knows in his heart where he truly belongs.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, Facebook – Stevie Rodger
