Expert teaches how to escape from zip-ties and get yourself out of a car trunk

Just thinking about getting kidnapped or being tied up is frightening.

We’re talking about a horrible situation in which you don’t know what to do.

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What’s even worse is that, when people try to do something, sometimes the outcome is the worst. After all, not knowing the proper method to do something is the perfect recipe for failure. And when combined with adrenaline, it can be even worse.

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A recent episode of the Today Show taught some potentially life-saving tips.

Host Jeff Rossen detailed the things you need to do when you’re zip-tied and locked in a car trunk.

If you ever get zip-tied, Rossen explained the solution is easier than you might think. Of course, it’s frightening as hell because of the context – but if you remain calm, you can easily maneuver yourself out of the ties.

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The reason why it can be difficult is because of the material. Given this situation, forcing your way out won’t work. In fact, it could even produce some uncomfortable injuries that could take a while to heal.

Believe it or not, the solution is just to lift your arms.

You must do it as high as you can and then pull them down to your chest. You must do this last part vigorously.

Also, it is crucial that you push your stomach out and spread your elbows while doing it. These two elements will allow you to make the movement in the most efficient manner.

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If you this in the correct way, the zip-tie will fall off. The movement and the strength will crush the mechanism that locks the plastic together.

Rossen then explained how to get out of a car trunk if you’re locked in.

To do this, he let Brittany Diggs explain her case.

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She suffered one of the worst situations you can imagine, as she was kidnapped a while ago. This took place in Alabama, and she described what happened as a horrible experience.

She was thrown into her car’s trunk, and the kidnappers drove off in the vehicle. Diggs explained that the key was to keep her calm and not to panic. After all, finding the latch is not so difficult, even if there’s no light.

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Of course, these trunk latches have existed in every passenger car since the year 2001. This was required by law, so anyone who is trapped inside can get out in an easy way.

In the Today Show’s episode, you can see the footage of Diggs’ escape.

It is quite astonishing as it looks like a suspense movie.

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The most interesting thing about the episode is that Rossen did a cool experiment.

He took people of all ages and sizes and asked them to try to free their hands of a zip tie and escape from a car trunk.

While everyone managed to escape from zip ties, it was more difficult to get out of the trunk. In fact, even Rossen got into the trunk to escape, and he also found it a little bit hard.

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The reason behind this situation is the fact that everything is dark inside the trunk. So the key is to remain calm and look for the glow-in-the-dark latch.

So if you ever find yourself in one of these situations, it’s all a matter of being relaxed and execute the technique in the proper manner.

Check out Rossen’s life-saving tips in the video below!

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Source: TODAY, NBC News.
