Man shares a cheap and easy trick to easily get rid of ants

Insects are always annoying and undesirable.

Pexels - Jimmy Chan Source: Pexels - Jimmy Chan

Whether it is roaches, houseflies, or ants, they’ll disturb your house hygiene and ruin your food. Not only do they do damage, but letting them run freely can impact your health as well. Although ants are generally considered harmless, they can cause big issues.

Little guys cause big problems!

Pexels - Taryn Elliott Source: Pexels - Taryn Elliott

Ants will typically enter your home and roost. They’ll never attack you, all they do is search your house for food and water. They are just settlers but are still uninvited and nobody wants them around.

You wouldn’t want them lingering inside your home to ruin your food or furniture. It is best to keep them away from your home.

The most annoying thing about ants is that they are relentless.

Pexels - Jimmy Chan Source: Pexels - Jimmy Chan

They are like the British Empire—they’ll invade and colonize everything they see. They’ll do this incessantly, and even if you chase them away from one location, they’ll just move on to another near you, leaving you with no choice but to resort to extreme measures.

We have a simple and long-term permanent solution to the ant problem.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

Eliminating ants can be dangerous if your household has kids or pets. If you use traditional poison to kill ants, you run the risk of exposing them to your pets or kids. In any case, you’ll need to be careful while eliminating ants.

With this method, we will use borax to get rid of ants.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

We normally use borax to clean products, but it is effective against ants. While you use borax, you need to be careful if you have any kids around you, as borax can be toxic towards humans too. Borax can result in many severe health issues such as toxicity, skin irritation, nausea, or vomiting.

To get rid of ants, you’ll first need a container. You can use an ice cream container.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

You need to cut holes in the container so that ants can enter your trap. You can use any sharp objects and achieve the same effect, but be careful with sharp objects. You just need to provide enough room for ants to enter.

Once your container is ready, mix some borax and sugar.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

We normally find ants around sugar because they like sweet things. You can easily lure them out by using sugar or any other sweets. Mix some sugar and borax, then add a little liquid to both to get them to mix. Stir and your anti-ant poison is ready.

In the container you made earlier, add something solid and pour the mixture.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

You can use waffles. Pour the mixture of borax and sugar and keep it closer to the ant colony.

Close the container from the top and wait for the ants to find it.

YouTube Screenshot -Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot -Fraser Valley Rose Farm

You don’t have to worry about ants not finding your trap.

Ants are smart and very talented at finding food. They’ll eventually find a way to your trap and feast on it. You don’t even have to place it near their colony, you can keep it a little far away and they’ll still find a way. You just have to trust their skills.

YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm Source: YouTube Screenshot - Fraser Valley Rose Farm

Now you won’t be seeing ants visiting you anytime soon.

Once you’ve successfully used the method, the ant problem will be solved. If you have more than one ant colony, you can place one trap outside each colony and completely eliminate them.

This method of ant cleansing was shared by Fraser Valley Rose Farm on YouTube. It is a simple, effective, and permanent solution to get rid of ants.

You can watch the method in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Fraser Valley Rose Farm
