Young girl has no idea deployed mother will show up to her school concert

Life is never easy for a family who has a member serving in the military. Especially for kids with a mom or dad deployed somewhere far to protect their country’s liberty.

Not only that they don’t get to see each other for quite some time, it’s more about the fear lingering inside them.

They worry whether their parent will be able to return home – safe and alive.

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Another issue is that deployed moms and dads don’t get to see important moments in their child’s life. May it be a dance recital, baseball or basketball match, graduation, or even their school concert.

Their absence during these events means that these kids don’t get to see their parents in the crowd cheering them on. It’s true that these moments can be video recorded – but it’s just never going to be the same without mom or dad.

We’ve seen videos online from people who share their personal stories of reunions. And let’s be honest, these videos make us cry every single time. Most of these reunions are planned as surprises that, oftentimes, catch the unsuspecting kids off-guard.

So, just how hard it is when a mother is away?

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It doesn’t mean that it isn’t hard when dad is away, it’s just entirely different whenever a mom is. After all, a mom usually does the cooking, cleaning, putting the kids to sleep, and fixes what most kids call “boo-boos.”

With all these being said, life gets a lot harder whenever mom is deployed somewhere far from home.

This mom was away from home for 14 months!

A young girl named Avery Hinton was proud of her mom’s decision to be in the military and serve the country. Though that was the case, it was still hard for her and for their family not to have her around.

What’s more saddening was that she’d be gone for 14 months. That meant that she would miss birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, and holidays.

Thanks to advanced technology, they managed to chat online and kept in touch. However, it didn’t erase the fact that she’s actually not there to physically be beside her for quite some time.

Eventually, the holiday season came.

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In a video posted by RTV6 The Indy Channel on their YouTube channel, a group of young kids was singing a Holiday song in front of the audience.

The person holding the video camera zoomed in on the young lady.

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The beautiful young girl sang from her heart, although she missed her mom fiercely.

It definitely hurts not seeing her mom in the audience to cheer for her.

Their voices of the kids’ choir blended perfectly. They made a beautiful harmony and their song lasted for more than three minutes.

We celebrate Christmas with our families and this is a family tradition that is being practiced all around the world!

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After their magical performance, the director and the students took a bow.

Soon after, a woman went to the center stage for a quick talk. We’re guessing that she’s the school principal or someone from the music department.

The woman talked about their Christmas tradition at home.

She said that they celebrate it as a family – a complete family.

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Get your tissues ready for this.

After the short speech, she then went on saying,

It’s is our great joy to have a reunion tonight of a family who has been apart for a whole year.”

That line made the person holding the camera zoom in again on the young lady. She still had no idea that the reunion was all about her.

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But when the woman said, “We have someone who’s been serving in Africa,” the girl’s eyes sparked!

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As soon as the woman called out Avery’s name and followed it up saying, “you have a present under the tree,” she ran sobbing towards the Christmas tree where someone was waiting – her mom!

They held and hugged each other tightly.

Finally, after 14 months, she once again felt her mother’s loving arms.

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We can also see her mom mouth the words, “Are you happy?”

Her daughter responds and nods her head yes, then mom says “So am I.”

It’s such a heartwarming sight to see that certainly made a lot of people cry.

Lucky are those children who don’t need to be parted from their parents. So if you are living with your parents right now, be thankful and enjoy every moment with them. And for those who are not with their moms or dads, stay strong – always remember that there’s a rainbow always after the rain.

Watch the touching reunion in the video below. Just be sure that you have your tissues ready.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: SPOTLIGHT, RTV6 The Indy Channel
