Girl plays fiddle then adds dance scoring 4.6 million views

Whenever we hear the song Cotton Eyed Joe, it’s almost impossible not to think of the Rednex version. It’s probably one of those songs that a DJ will play as a desperate ploy to get the crowd dancing.

The reason behind the unexplainable charisma of the song is because not only is it a veritable mix between hillbilly-chic and dance music, but it also has this awesome, persistent fiddle part.

The fiddle part is a magnet for anyone who hears it- like a magical spell forcing them to tap their toes.

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But did you know that the Rednex’s is not the only version that will get your feet moving?

Meet a young fiddler from Tennessee.

Facebook/FiddleAndDance Source: Facebook/FiddleAndDance

Hillary Klug is a star in the making!

Many are blessed with the talent to dance and to play the fiddle, but precious are those few people who can do both- and she’s one of them.

If you don’t know Hillary or haven’t seen any of her viral videos, then you’re missing the trend and you need to catch up.

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She’s a champion-level dancer.

According to the “About” section of her Facebook page, she’s:

“…a National Buck Dancing Champion and Kentucky State Dance Champion, performed on streets and stages from Ireland to Brazil, and released her debut album last year. Hillary is also featured in a UK independent film titled “Country Music.”

Facebook/FiddleAndDance Source: Facebook/FiddleAndDance

She’s got tens to hundreds of thousands of followers on some of her social media accounts. She’s also got 62 million views on her recent fiddle and dance performance! Wow!

She started dancing when she was 8 and picked up the fiddle at the age of 13.

Then, she made a fiddle and dance version of the old classic, Cotton Eyed Joe.

If you haven’t seen the video, worry not, because you don’t need to dance on your feet – she will do the dancing on your behalf!

She starts by simply tapping her toes to keep her timing on rhythm. It might look like quite an ordinary performance for some, but only until she begins playing the fiddle.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

That’s just the first awesome part, she keeps on playing the fiddle with a regular beat of her toe taps, and then came the more complicated parts.

She was tap dancing a lot quicker and she mixed it with some mild hops and transitions from left to right. Her balance, timing, and body coordination were just perfect!

She’s a total package!

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

If an ordinary fiddler or tap dancer doesn’t amaze you- Hillary just might.

She’s a good fiddle player and tap dancer at the same time, the music and her body movements are in-sync.

She’s a natural star, if I may say- because she’s got what it takes to be seen worldwide!

The world needs to know that she exists!

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Awesome, talented, and amazing are understatements if you’re to describe her.

She’s beyond all those.

You could try watching the video while covering the bottom part of the screen and you would think, “What an amazing fiddle player! She’s also got a good beat on the background.” Or try to cover the top part and you would say, “Wow! That’s really some good tap dancing!”

We’re lucky because Hillary can nail both!

Oh! And there’s more!

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Not only does Hillary maintain a steady beat tap dancing, but she’s also got some moves to make the performance extra special.

She includes slick leg kicks, side steps, foot-folding, and rhythmic diversions.

She did it all without missing a single beat.

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

She ends her routine with a friendly dip and a playful tune on the fiddle.

Why is she so good?

Another thing that we have noticed in the video is her natural talent in playing the fiddle and tap dancing. We could also say that she’s enjoying what she’s doing because she’s smiling all throughout her performance. We believe that it helps her perform at her best!

Facebook/FiddleAndDance Source: Facebook/FiddleAndDance

You can check Hillary’s website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube accounts if you want to keep yourself updated with what’s going on with her.

Watch Hillary’s fiddle and dance version of Cotton Eyed Joe in the video below.

We dare you not to dance along.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: SEE IT LIVE, Hillary Klug
