Judges award prize to young girl’s heart-stirring “You Raise Me Up”

Sometimes, when you see a spectacular singing or dancing performance, you just know that you’re witnessing a moment of magic.

There’s just something special about an impeccable or touching dance routine combined with an absolutely perfect background track, and it truly makes the performance downright unforgettable.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

That was most certainly the case for this jaw-dropping performance by the 8-year-old Lynzee Ensell, who did an acrobatic dance to the classic hit song “You Raise Me Up”.

The young and very talented dancer performed for the 2020 Showstopper competition in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, long before any COVID-19 restrictions were in place.

Lynzee was quite nervous while she was awaiting her turn, but all those nerves disappeared when she took the stage gracefully.

Moments later, she completely mesmerized the judges and the audience alike with her stunning acrobatic dance routine.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

The choice of music is just absolutely perfect here, and Lynzee did her absolute best to come up with a great routine for it.

After all, the song has the tendency to be quite touching and will give a lot of people chills, even without a heartfelt and passionate dance. Combine those two together, however, and you come up with a masterpiece like this.

Being able to dance so gracefully at only eight years old, Lynzee definitely has a bright career ahead of her!

It didn’t take long before everyone in the room was completely awestruck. Lynzee started in a kneeling position on the floor and starts to move slowly when the music hits.

“When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary
When troubles come and my heart burdened be,” the song goes.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

Right at this moment, the little girl stares up above to pray.

“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas…”

As you probably know, there are dozens of versions and renditions of “You Raise Me Up”, but Lynzee’s choice couldn’t be more fitting.

officalconnietalbot, Instagram Source: officalconnietalbot, Instagram

You can definitely hear that it’s a very young girl singing the lyrics of the song, and you might even recognize it from somewhere.

The version Lynzee chose was the one that Connie Talbot performed, the adorable six-year-old girl who almost won Britain’s Got Talent back in 2007. She might not have won the entire show, but she definitely won over the hearts of all the viewers.

So what is acro dance, exactly?

Lynzee entered the competition in the “Mini Acro Solo” category, and it’s absolutely clear that this is completely Lynzee’s forté.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

“Acro dance combines classical dance techniques with fluid and lyrical acrobatic movements. The dance movements in Acro originate in ballet, jazz, modern and lyrical dance styles,” the website of The Progressive Dance Studio reads.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

Lynzee definitely knows how to impress a crowd, but the moves she pulls off are nothing short of mesmerizing and definitely acrobatic.

Aside from the very impressive poses, you’ll also find her flipping the floor as the song progresses and she really gives it her best right when the chorus hits.

Lynzee ended up in second place overall and surely has a bright dancing future ahead of her.

CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot Source: CarmoDance, YouTube screenshot

The music and the dance routine – they both just blend wonderfully together. Lynzee is one talented dancer and she definitely knows how to captivate an audience.

Definitely check out the amazing competition routine in the video below.

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Source: CarmoDance, YouTube
