Third grade talent show performance gets “glowing” reviews as stick figures dance in the dark

The Nicholson family, also known as “The NicFam,” consists of siblings Preston, McKenzie, and Kailey, as well as mom Amy (and, as of 2019, future husband and stepdad Jonathan Perry). They post updates on their lives each week to their YouTube channel.

@amy_nicholson/Instagram Source: @amy_nicholson/Instagram

And while the family has about 7,000 subscribers, most of their videos get just a couple hundred views.

But in 2013, the family uploaded a video from one of the kids’ talent shows and it went viral – REALLY viral.

In fact, it’s been viewed over 5.7 MILLION times since it was posted!

It’s unclear if one of the Nicholsons was in the video since the performance was put on at an elementary school talent show by a group of boys and Preston would have been too young to star in it at the time. Instead, it’s more likely that it took place at one of the girls’ schools and was simply the best act the family saw that night.

While there have been many copycats since then, in 2013, this glow-in-the-dark dance was pretty cutting-edge.

In the beginning, only the word “Starburst” is visible against a black curtain as the audience cheers on the performers.

Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube

Calling themselves the “Glow Boys,” the curtain parts to reveal 9 figures outlined in glow sticks. None of the performers are visible, but their figures are.

Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube

The audience was already supportive with their cheers but peals of laughter ring out as Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” begins to play and, one by one the boys turn around to reveal a different glow stick pattern on their backs.

Now they look like a pack of dancing stick figures!

Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube

There are multiple music changes throughout the 3-minute show, but the audience is particularly tickled by Psy’s “Gangnam Style,” as the stick figures perform the iconic dance.

Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube

It’s clearly a young crowd as the children’s giggles nearly drown out the music altogether at times.

And while there are no particularly smooth moves involved, the glow sticks are what make the routine unique and fun to watch.

The boys go through all the popular contemporary songs that have a dance that goes along with them – and next up is Cali Swag District’s “Teach Me How To Dougie.” And it’s clear someone taught these boys well.

Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via The NicFam/YouTube

Since the comments are turned off on The NicFam’s videos, there’s not much more we can learn about the talent show or the performers. But with millions of views, we imagine those watching would have had some good things to say.

And no doubt other young performers have watched the video again and again to try to replicate the performance for their own talent shows.

In fact, a quick Google search for “glow stick dance” shows that these boys were neither the first nor the last to put on such a performance.

A 2010 video by a group of kids earned over 2 million views and dozens of comments from people who planned to use the same idea for their own talent shows.

For those who want to replicate the glow-in-the-dark fun, there are many costume and choreography tutorials online if you simply Google “glow stick dance.”

And while the idea might be over a decade old, it’s still clearly entertaining people around the world.

Be sure to scroll down below to see these boys dance and glow.

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Source: The NicFam via YouTube, @amy_nicholson via Instagram
