Golden Retriever dedicates himself to caring for pregnant mate and melts millions of hearts

To be the “goodest boy” one needs to be the “goodest husband.”

Pregnancy is such a hectic phase.

Especially for the pregnant one.

Everything is heavy, everything is tiring, and everything is annoying.

Pexesl - Mohan Nannapaneni Source: Pexesl - Mohan Nannapaneni

This is why during this precarious and important phase, a partner should always be ready to fill in the shoes of two people.

Or, in this case, two dogs.

Two golden retrievers became viral because of their dynamic as a couple.

The dogs were widely received because they showed the ideal scenario of how to divide the chores when one is pregnant.

This means one would have to rest and the other would have to do everything.

Pexels - Barnabas Davoti Source: Pexels - Barnabas Davoti

People think it’s unfair but we have to remember that our partners carry one of the most important blessings in life and they shouldn’t be stressed, exhausted, or put to harm.

This dog seems to know that.

The video shows the typical day for this couple.

First, the male dog gets up the moment he sensed his wife was awake.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

He then ran towards the AC to regulate the temperature.

He wouldn’t want his wife to catch a cold, would he?

If you think that’s smart, you’ve seen nothing yet.

Momma’s thirsty

Next, he takes a small basin and hops his way into the kitchen.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

He then placed the basin down the sink and turned the water on all by himself.

Quite satisfied, he brought the basin of water back to his wife so she can drink.

He left a bit of a splash all around but it was a great job considering he only has his jaw to hold onto things.

Next, he took his wife for a walk.

It’s a good bit of exercise and some sunlight for the babies.

The walk was tiring for her so she went back to nap for a bit.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

There’s no rest for the husband, though.

He ran to the kitchen to help their human prepare her food.

He assisted him by handing him some of the vegetables and taking the trash out – and the owner didn’t even have to tell him twice.

Soon enough, the couple’s hard work paid off.

The owners set up a comfy duvet in the living room when they felt that the wife was beginning to nest.

They then assisted the dog throughout the labor process.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

It was difficult but seeing the litter survive, everything was worth it.

The dogs watched the puppies intently as they came out one by one.

The moment they gained consciousness, they began nursing on their mother.

But is the husband’s work done?

Of course not! He’s back to his tasks now that he has more dogs relying on him.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

He starts again with his basin routine to help his wife hydrate during nursing.

He’s also in charge of the snacks.

At one point, he even ran to the store with money in his mouth just so he could buy his puppies some sausages.

YouTube Screenshot - God Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - God Dog

In the end, they’ll all grow up healthy and strong, thanks to the undying support of this golden retriever to his wife.

Watch how this amazing dog takes over the chores for his pregnant wife in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – God Dog, AKC
