Sweet golden retriever patiently waits for the bus to pick up his best friend

What’s the greatest thing your retriever has ever “retrieved” for you?

Fetching things are not exclusive to retriever breeds but you can fairly tell that this breed is quite the natural when it comes to these kinds of tasks.

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It’s so innate to some that they start getting things for you even before you teach them how to do it. But Kody, a golden retriever, is a special one.

Every weekday afternoon, after school, Kody waits by the sidewalk.

The loyal and ever-loving golden retriever isn’t waiting for the postman or the garbage truck. It’s waiting for something big, something yellow, and something that brings his best friend home.

Pexels - Mithul Varshan Source: Pexels - Mithul Varshan

As the school bus doors swing open, Kody excitedly takes Autumn’s backpack and walks with her all the way to the house.

Yes, Kelly’s golden retriever “retrieves” her granddaughter every school day.

Kelly shared with The Dodo that she was greatly astonished when she first saw Kody fetch Autumn with her bag in his mouth.

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She said she didn’t train Kody to do so. Maybe he’s just so excited that he thought of bringing the bag inside will take Autumn with it.

The two have since built a habit around Kody’s shenanigans. Every time the little girl alights the bus, she takes out her metal canteen so that Kody won’t mistakenly bite into it.

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Meanwhile, Autumn sometimes tugs on Kody’s leash when he’s in an extra curious and excited mood.

It’s not only the things that Kody carries.

As shown in the video, Kody can be relied on to take packages inside. He can go up to a postman or a courier’s truck, take the package in his mouth, then walk all the way back to the house. Don’t you just love it when your packages go straight into your lap?

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He also helps Kelly bring some small stuff up in her office. In the video, he can be seen leading Kelly up the stairs with her crackers in his mouth. Kelly doesn’t let Kody starve, so why would he allow it? At that point, we can conclude that their house just got a snack officer.

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Kelly even joked that Koda does more for her than her husband does. There are times when Kody even takes Kelly’s handbag inside the house. Talk about a real gentleman!

But through all the things he fetches, Autumn is his definite favorite.

Autumn’s schoolmates love him too. Every afternoon, they get to see this big golden retriever take the bag of one of their classmates.

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Kelly even said that Autumn feels like a queen whenever Kody picks her up. And who could blame her? Service and attention? Yes, please!

People all over the world shared their thoughts about Autumn and Kody.

“What priceless footage this is, they are both so lucky to have that much love, absolutely beautiful to watch. That’s adorable.” said one in the comment section.

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“Thank you Kelly for sharing your amazing gentleman Kody and the beautiful love Kody shares with adorable Autumn!” said another.

Watch how this dog fetches his human every day after school.

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Source: Twitter – @dodo, Facebook – The Dodo
