Golden retriever does everything he can to stay in the pet store – and it’s seriously hilarious

If you’ve ever had the issue of trying to get your children out of a toy store, this might seem like a very similar story. However, in this case, it’s a four-footer that is causing some hilarious antics and doesn’t want to get out of a place that must seem like an absolute paradise to him.

Meet Rufio the Golden Retriever from Chicago, who works as a therapy animal.

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

Rufio has also amassed quite the popularity on social media platforms, Instagram in particular. With no less than 250,000 followers on the social network, Rufio can certainly call himself an internet celebrity and even a viral sensation. He loves traveling the world along with his owner and his work as a certified therapy dog also doesn’t go unnoticed.

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

The dog’s mom has been managing his Instagram account for a couple of years now, and people just love to follow his daily adventures in the city. It’s amazing to see him grow from a small and cute puppy to a beautiful dog he is now. Rufio’s nickname is “Windy City’s hottest pooch” and his internet fame has even landed him spots in major publications and he often gets recognized on the streets as well.

Rufio is adored by everyone and works very hard, but when it’s playtime, Rufio likes to go all out.

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

Rufio’s owner took him to the pet store one day, but it was clear that this pooch really didn’t want to go home just yet.

Luckily, Rufio’s mom knew that whatever he’d do would probably be funny and worth capturing, so she took out her smartphone and let the camera roll. And sure enough, Rufio kept reacting in an absolutely comical way!

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

Spending time in a pet store is absolute heaven for a playful pooch such as Rufio, and dogs like him could spend hours shopping over there. After all, there’s fun stuff for him in every corner of the shop!

One day, he had so much fun inside of a pet store that he really, really didn’t want to leave.

What’s the best way of preventing to go home? Laying down on the floor without budging, of course!

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

The four-footer definitely shows his stubborn side by refusing to move an inch. When mom tried to give his leash a gentle pull, Rufio remains completely calm and simply slides along the floor.

And Rufio’s hilarious antics definitely don’t stop there. He starts laying on his side which makes it tougher for mom to pull him out of the store.

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

“Time to go, Rufio,” mom says – but her four-footer isn’t budging at all and his face just screams “I don’t wanna go yet, mom!”

Of course, we can’t really blame the four-footer – after all, being inside of a giant pet store is equal to a kid in a candy store.

Mom decided to treat Rufio’s Instagram followers with the video of his hilarious antics.

“When you’re not done partying yet #dontwannaleave #petstore #naughtypup” she posted as the caption.

livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram) Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)

The two of them then spent a couple of more minutes at the pet store, but we’re pretty sure Rufio will have a ton more hilarious antics in store for the next time.

Don’t forget to check out the funny clip below!

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Source: livingthatgoldenlife (Instagram)
