This Golden Retriever is friends with a sheep and it’s exactly as adorable as you’d expect

People are understandably charmed by interspecies friendships.

In some cases, animals form these bonds for protection or simply because they live together and it’s mutually beneficial. But at the end of the day, we just don’t know what causes two different animals to decide to hang out together as pals.

Whatever the case is for the friendship between Niuniu the Golden Retriever and Liuyi the baby sheep, we’re just glad they met.

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Since Liuyi was just a lamb when the two first met, it could be the case that the dog’s caretaking instincts kicked in. Mothering instincts are strong in female animals, and without puppies of her own to care for, Liuyi got the benefit of Niuniu’s love.

That’s probably why the little lamb thought it could feed from the dog when they first met.

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While the baby rejected its bottle at first, luckily, it got the hang of things eventually.

It must have been separated from its mother almost immediately.

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And Niuniu even helped!

She brought the bottle out to the baby and learned to feed the lamb herself!

YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws Source: YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws

Just look at these two!

How sweet can it get?

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The video was first posted on the Chinese short video platform by a user known only as “niuniu521,” from Hulunbuir in Inner Mongolia.

We don’t know anything else about the story of the pair – just what’s in the video.

Plenty of viewers thought humans had a lot to learn from these two.

“So beautiful this love they share. Neither one cares they are different they just love one another. Too bad we humans are not like this. This is one of the most precious videos I have seen. Humans take a lesson from these non-judgemental little darlings.”

YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws Source: YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws

And its friendship with Niuniu flourished.

Now, they do everything together – even go for walks on the bluff and stare out at the sea.

YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws Source: YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws

Even though their video was posted just a few days ago, it already has over 50,000 views on YouTube alone.

It’s clear people need a little cheer in their lives right now and Niuniu and Liuyi sure fit the bill!

“Wow!! These are so needed right now, heartwarming videos!!! Is there anything cuter than baby….ANYTHING! Made me smile, for the first time in a long time!” exclaimed one viewer.

YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws Source: YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws

Now, there are plenty of people in the comment section that have bypassed the cuteness in favor or arguing over whether Liuyi is a sheep or a goat.

But even specialists agree that it can be really hard to tell sometimes! Some people insist it’s all in the ears, but this is a Mongolian breed we’re talking about, so that makes it more complicated.

Cathy Dwyer, a professor at Scotland’s Rural College, who has researched sheep for over 2 decades even admits it can be hard to tell the difference, but it’s not about the ears.

“It’s usually the tail that’s the real giveaway. Sheep tails always go down; goat tails go up,” she told NPR.

YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws Source: YouTube Screenshot - Viral Paws

But Liuyi’s tail is really small and sticks straight out. We suppose if we had to put money on it, we’d say it’s a goat.

Does it really matter though?

Be sure to scroll down below to watch these two sweet animals in action.

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Source: Viral Paws via YouTube, NPR
