Golden retriever hijacks dad's workout and it's too hilarious

Quarantine has got most of us spending the majority of our days at home, and even the most basic exercise, like walking to work, has gone out the window.
This has unsurprisingly led to more and more people attempting to work out at home – but when you have a certain furry friend in the house, this may prove more difficult than you’d imagine…
One man found out just that when he unrolled his yoga mat and optimistically tried to practice a few moves. His plan was to keep fit from home, but his excitable golden retriever had other ideas.

For our innocent pets, there’s nothing more exciting than these current times. Getting to share every single day with the people they love most? Amazing! They don’t know why you’re no longer leaving the house for work, and they don’t care, either.
Our pets simply see us being home as another opportunity to play. And that’s exactly what happened when this man got dressed in his gym gear and put his gym face on – only for his temporary workout partner, Bailey, to take over his yoga mat in the most adorable way.

It’s hard to stay mad at your pets for pretty much anything, especially if they have a big smile on their face, like Bailey.
To her, this is all a bit of fun. Her owner is on his hands and knees, which must mean he wants to play, right? That means she deserves a little attention.
And so she plonks herself directly across the man’s mat before he can even get into workout position number one.

Unless our eyes are deceiving us, we’re sure Bailey tries out a few of her own yoga poses while she dominates the mat. She presses her head into the floor and pushes her behind, wagging tail and all, up into the air – a very precise downward dog if we’ve ever seen one.
Golden retrievers aren’t known for being the lightest of the dog breeds, as you’ll know if you’ve ever tried to pick one up. The man manages to lift her off his mat, though – which proves to be just about the most exercise he’ll manage this morning.

Of course, Bailey jumps straight back down onto the mat again.
This time, when her owner gets her back off the mat, he gives her firm instructions to “stay”. Good ol’ Bailey manages this… for roughly 5 seconds. But it’s enough time for the man to get into plank position.

To Bailey, seeing her owner pulling a strange move on the floor can only mean she’s free to join in. She leaps around him, barking happily, even managing to stick her head and half her body through the man’s arm while he’s planking. Luckily, this man’s muscles must be made of steel, because he doesn’t move an inch while chaos ensues around him.

And then Bailey pulls off her cheekiest trick yet – she gets on top of her owner and lies there while he’s still planking! Anyone who’s ever attempted a plank will know of the intense stress that kicks in at around the 30-second mark, so it’s certainly very impressive that Bailey’s owner manages to stay in position, albeit with a few gasps of pain.

In all, having a dog like Bailey working out along side you probably isn’t the best idea. But it does have its perks! At the end of the video, Bailey’s owner uses a couple of chew toys and Bailey herself to practice a few basic weight training moves. A solid effort from all!
Take a look at the hilarious video below to see just what it’s like to exercise with a golden retriever.
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