Gordon Ramsay shares the perfect way to scramble eggs, and it doesn’t involve whisking before

If there’s one man in the culinary world that a lot of people fear and look up to, it’s without a doubt, Gordon Ramsay. The British elite chef, restaurateur and television personality is known for his sassy remarks towards others, but he loves sharing recipes of his own too.

In this recipe, he decided to keep it simple: he shows us the perfect way to make scrambled eggs.

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Now, scrambled eggs aren’t exactly the most exciting things you can get on a plate, but there aren’t many people who would deny that they’re a treat to have, usually for breakfast. It’s incredibly simple and almost everyone can make it – or can they?

Making these basic scrambled eggs sure does seem very easy. After all, all you need is a couple of eggs, scramble them a bit in a bowl and throw them in a warm pan. However, there are plenty of ways where things can go wrong, you can overcook or overwork the eggs, for example. It’s incredible how something so seemingly simple can go wrong in a lot of ways, but Gordon Ramsay is here to save the day as he gives his advice and tips on how to make the perfect scrambled eggs, every single time.

Here’s a list of ingredients you’ll need:

Angele J, Pexels.com Source: Angele J, Pexels.com
  • 6 cherry tomatoes (on a vine)
  • 2 large mushrooms
  • sourdough bread
  • eggs
  • creme fraiche
  • chives
  • salt and pepper
  • butter
  • olive oil

As you can see, there aren’t only eggs in this ingredient list, but the chef likes to top it off with a few sides. If you’re not interested in those, you can go ahead and skip them – although they do make the meal a whole lot tastier.

How to make the perfect scrambled eggs

1) The first step is to throw a pinch of olive oil in a pan on low heat. Next, you’re going to want to put the two mushrooms down in the pan, together with the cherry tomatoes on the vine. In the meantime, take a slice of sourdough bread and put it in the toaster.

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2) Grab another pan and crack three eggs open. A common mistake is to salt them right away, so don’t! Add two tablespoons of butter and mix them together. Set the heat to medium and don’t forget to keep stirring.

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3) It’s important to definitely keep working your eggs to make sure that they don’t stick to surfaces! The chef is especially sensitive to this and recommends to take the pot off the heat once the whole mix starts getting thick. Stir again when this happens, and repeat the process around three times.

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4) Finally, take the pot off the heater permanently and add a tablespoon of creme fraiche. Now is the appropriate time to add some herbs, so add the chopped chives as well as salt and pepper.

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5) The tomatoes and mushrooms should be done by now, along with the slide of bread. Put everything on a plate and you’ve got yourself a delicious and perfect scrambled eggs meal. Ideal for breakfast!

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If you prefer a video, you can watch Gordon Ramsay prepare it himself in the footage below.

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Source: YouTube/Watch The Daily
