High school senior salutatorian’s “goth” yearbook photo is going viral

Weronika Jachimowicz of Mattituck, New York is incredibly cool.

It doesn’t matter what you think of the goth aesthetic, it’s the fact that she embraced what she liked so fully and unapologetically that we really admire.

Like it or not, it takes bravery to wear what you want and know people are going to look at you and judge – more bravery than most of us will ever have when it comes to our identities.

She need not even maintain the goth look for years, because what’s important is the fact that she’s not beholden to anyone else’s norms.

Not many teenagers (or adults) can say the same.


Jachimowicz’s senior photo went viral for obvious reasons. She was her school’s salutatorian and displayed next to a shot of valedictorian Luke Altman, well…there’s a stark contrast. She’s by no means the first teenager to have a goth-type photo in the school yearbook.

The photo was posted on Patch and then picked up by Jules Lipoff on Twitter, where it really took off.

Jachimowicz’s GPA was 97.27%. She is also a member of the fencing team, ping pong team, and winter track team.

“This achievement, especially during these challenging times, is a major accomplishment in their academic careers,” Superintendent of Schools Jill Gierasch said of the top two graduating seniors.

Achievements unlimited

In addition to her stellar grades and participation in athletics, she also participated in other school activities:

Accord to Patch.com:

“She was a member of the National Honor Society, high school art portfolio club, and SADD club, co-president of the Unity club, and president of the Interact club. In addition, she participated in community service as a volunteer at local libraries.”

The teen plans to major in biology and forensics in college, though it’s not clear where she has enrolled.

Be yourself

Jachimowicz actually took two senior photos. The first was “normal,” she told TODAY. But for the second she decided to “go all out.”

“I always have been attracted to this kind of style ever since I was younger,” she said. “I just wanted to incorporate everything I loved, like the multiple earrings, multiple necklaces, just very…out there. I just wanted to really look goth for my final year, because that’s just who I am. I want to go out with a bang!”

Of course, the photo went viral because of some clueless and rude things people just felt like they had to say on the Internet. Among the tame (but lame):

Imagine being a grown man and writing something like that about a teenage girl!

Yet many male commenters continued to be particularly harsh for some reason.

No time for haters

As you might imagine, a 17-year-old who has the capacity to express herself doesn’t care all that much about what keyboard warriors with nothing better to do have to say. In fact, she only cares about those she can inspire as a result of going viral.

“I’m happy I get to inspire others because that’s what people have done for me,” she said. “I am so happy to be able to inspire others to have the self-confidence that it doesn’t matter what others think. You can be who you are and get great achievements while doing it.”

Now THAT’S a great lesson to learn in high school.

Be sure to scroll down for more about the gifted goth.

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Source: TODAY, YouTube via FOX 5 NEW YORK, Fox5, What Is Goth, Instagram – necroticnika, Twitter – @juleslipoff, Patch
