Bride’s 84-year-old grandma surprises wedding reception and the internet with her dirty joke

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

When this grandmother got up to speak at her granddaughter’s wedding, the guests expected a sedate speech. They got something completely different.

There are many, many stereotypes about grandmothers. Society says that they are dithering old women who are out of touch with the modern world.

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Of course, there are grandmothers all over the world who defy this stereotype. But perhaps the patron saint of all of these grandmothers is the lady who told an incredibly dirty joke at her granddaughter’s wedding reception.

The wedding ceremony had been beautiful. Later, the guests filed into the reception and began talking among themselves. The bride’s grandmother walked up to the podium to give a speech.

Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube Source: Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube

Soon, everyone was in awe of this lady. Her manner of talking was relatable to people of all ages. But then she ended her speech with a joke that would have been too much, if she weren’t so charming.

The shocking joke began innocently enough. “And now I’m going to tell you a little story,” the grandmother said.

Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube Source: Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube

She then began talking about a lady that she had supposedly known who desperately needed a husband. So the lady decided to put an ad in the paper.

According to the grandmother, the ad said “Wanted: a husband. He must not beat me. He must not chase after me when I go about with my friends. But he must be good in bed.”

Fransbookshop/Instagram Source: Fransbookshop/Instagram

With that final clause, the guests started to suspect that they may not be hearing a typical dating story.

The grandmother continued with the story, saying that the next day, the woman heard a ring at the door. Outside the woman saw a man. “And she looks at him, and she thought there must have been an accident down the road.”

Knowing that the room was hooked, the grandma went on. She explained that the woman said to the man, “But you’ve got no arms and no legs.” The man elaborated that he was responding to the woman’s ad, applying for the position of her husband.

Limbless_oslo/Instagram Source: Limbless_oslo/Instagram

The man then explained that as he had no arms, he couldn’t beat her. He also pointed out that as he had no legs, he couldn’t chase her.

Then the woman said to the man that she was looking for someone who was good in bed.

“And with a smirk on his face and a big grin, he said ‘Rang the doorbell, didn’t I?'”

With that punchline, a shocked gasp went around the room. It took a while for people to appreciate just what she had. Then everyone started laughing and clapping.

Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube Source: Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube

Luckily, the wedding video company was filming this joke. They then uploaded the video to YouTube, where it soon went viral.

To date, the video has gained over 1.1 million views. It also has more than 14,000 likes and 950 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube Source: Motion Art Wedding Films/YouTube

Clearly, this grandmother, with her shocking sense of humor and amazing stage presence, is something for many of us to aspire to in our old age.

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Source: Motion Art Wedding Films
