Grandma successfully schemes to change grandson’s name as mother recovers from a C-section

Any mother who has had a c-section deserves all the support she can get. This mother-in-law just saw it as an opportunity to get her own way.

It’s normal to have differences of opinion with your mother-in-law. Some sons-and-daughters-in-law are able to build strong relationships anyway. But it’s almost impossible to forgive the mother-in-law in this story.

Kandycares_/Instagram Source: Kandycares_/Instagram

In a letter to Slate, the new mother explained her tale of mother-in-law baby-naming woe. And it’s really something.

The new mom explained that her mother-in-law had always been a manipulator who never liked her. Still, as she and her husband lived several states away, the new mom had been able to cope with the manipulative mother-in-law.

Notanartist.7/Instagram Source: Notanartist.7/Instagram

When the mother-in-law heard that her son and daughter-in-law were expecting a baby, she was overjoyed. She asked them what they were thinking of in terms of baby names. The mother-in-law hated what she heard.

She thought that the names that they were considering for a boy were not nearly masculine enough. But the then expectant mother was quick to shut the mother-in-law down, saying that she and her husband had already decided.

But the mother-in-law persisted with her son. She said that if they had a boy, they couldn’t pick the name they were insisting on. Instead, she had picked out a much more suitable name, she said.

Of course, the mother-in-law gave up trying to say this to her daughter-in-law. Instead, she hoped that her son would see things from her perspective. But when the baby was born, the mother-in-law saw her chance.

The mother had to go through an emergency c-section. Luckily, the doctors were able to deliver the baby safely. So the mother rested and told her husband to fill out the paperwork.

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But before the husband could fill in the details, he decided to call his mother to share the good news. As soon as the mother-in-law learned that her daughter in law was resting off the c-section, she started pressuring her son. She told him to give the baby boy the name that she had picked out.

Eventually, the son made a compromise with his mother. He said that he would keep the first name to what his wife wanted, but that he would change the middle name from “Finley” to “Finlay.”

Flickr Source: Flickr

Only after the husband signed the birth documents did he realize that his wife might not be happy to know that his mother-in-law had convinced him to change their baby’s name.

Luckily, he came up with a way of avoiding an argument: he simply didn’t tell his wife what had happened.

Months went by, and the mother had no idea that their baby actually had the wrong name.

At one point, the mother-in-law sent the baby a gift, which was addressed to “Finlay.” This made the new mom suspicious. So she checked her child’s Social Security Number, and to her astonishment, the baby’s name was “Finlay” instead of the “Finley” that she had wanted.

The new mom was furious at her husband. The husband made his excuses and said that his mother had guilt-tripped him.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Eventually, the new mom was able to forgive her husband. But the already tenuous relationship between the mother in law and her appears to be destroyed forever.

The agony aunt on Slate completely sympathized with the new mother. In fact, she thought that the new mom was too kind to her husband.

In fact, she even recommended divorce! Do you think that this was fair? If this had happened to you, would divorce be on the table?

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Source: Slate, Shared
