Grandpa brings dog to furniture store to make sure she likes his new chair

When Aleecia Dahl’s grandpa got a dog it was a surprise to everyone. In fact, he had stated that he never wanted a dog at all. But all that changed when Dahl’s grandpa met Coco. Now, Coco and Grandpa are the best of friends. So, when Dahl’s grandparents moved, Grandpa included Coco when it came time to buy some new furniture.
Coco and Grandpa are inseparable

Inseparable, Coco and Grandpa do just about everything together. Whenever Dahl’s grandpa goes out on the town, the little dog is right by his side. When they are at home, the two can be found sitting side-by-side in her grandpa’s recliner.
“When grandma and grandpa moved, they [needed to buy] new furniture,” Dahl said in a The Dodo interview. “It was Grandpa’s requirement that the footrest on his lounge chair was wide enough for him and Coco to sit side by side.”
Searching for a new recliner together

So, off the two went in search of a new recliner. Grandpa took Coco into the furniture stores with him to make sure that any recliner they bought had a footrest wide enough for the both of them.
“He brought Coco into several stores to try out chairs until he found the perfect one,” Dahl said. “Coco was always greeted with a smile, as I am sure it’s not every day a man and his dog go furniture shopping!”
The pair finally find a new chair

After much searching, the two finally found a chair that was the perfect fit. The dog probably appreciated the gesture as it gave her a say in picking her new favorite spot beside Dahl’s grandpa.
“She’s his little best friend,” Dahl said.
Why are dogs called man’s best friend?

How exactly did dogs become man’s best friend? It is a known fact that dogs and humans have grown up side-by-side for countless centuries. When it comes to humans, dogs serve a variety of roles, including protector, lifesaver, and companion. This friendship derives from the mutually beneficial relationship that dogs and people share.

While dogs offer a lot to their human companions, humans, in turn, give dogs shelter and food. Plus, the social bond that the two species share cannot be overstated. With both humans and dogs being social animals, it was only natural that the two species found themselves naturally gravitating towards each other. The mental and physical benefits that they offer each other helped to forge a strong bond.
As for why dogs are called man’s best friend. That title originated in the American Supreme Court in 1870. Lawyer George Graham Vest was representing a client whose beloved dog, Old Drum, had been killed by a neighbor. Seeking damages, the Vest rested his case with a speech that included the phrase,
“The one absolute, unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world—the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous—is his dog.”
Of course, he won the case and the rest is history as dogs were known as man’s best friend from that day forward.

Over the years, dogs have come to rely on humans more and more until now some need humans just to survive. Regardless of the reason, humans and dogs have grown to develop an unbreakable bond of friendship, just like Coco and Grandpa. Here is a video with more on this adorable friendship between a dog and her best friend.
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