Grieving cat spends an entire year mourning late owner at his grave

Cats are loyal animals and a lot of cat owners can attest to that. Despite being grumpy and weird at times, these animals will never leave their human’s side.

One man heard a cat meowing while laying on a burial plot in Central Java, Indonesia.

Posted by People’s Daily, China on Monday, October 31, 2016

When he first heard the cat, he thought that the animal was homeless. In his mind, he was probably looking for someone to care for her.

He decided to adopt the cat.

As a person who’s passionate about animals, he wanted to make sure that the cat will have a safe and comfortable home to live in. He was committed to giving her the best life possible.

Unfortunately, after adopting the cat, she returned to the same spot.

Posted by People’s Daily, China on Monday, October 31, 2016

The man wondered why. To find answers, he decided to follow the animal.

It turns out that the cat couldn’t get over the loss of her human.

She’s so attached to her favorite person in the world. When the human died, she stayed close to the grave and she’s been there for more than a year now.

In an interview with The Mirror, Keli Keningay Prayitno (the man who first saw the mourning cat) shared:

“Since the cat’s mother died she has stayed here at the grave. She does not want to go home. She has been here for almost a year.”

A lot of people tried helping the cat.

Some tried to adopt her while others gave her food. Despite their kind deeds, the cat still refuses to leave her human’s grave.

The only time she leaves the spot is during her mealtime.

Pexels - Rabia Source: Pexels - Rabia

She goes to her owner’s children’s house and there, they feed her. After eating and drinking, she’ll leave and go to the grave as usual.

The man said:

“She sleeps there and meows. It’s very sad to see. It shows just how close animals are to their owners.”

Cats do mourn.

Unsplash - Daniel Octavian Source: Unsplash - Daniel Octavian

Cats can’t verbalize their feelings.

Despite that, there can still mourn and their behaviors will tell you about it.

Unsplash - Adam Stefanca Source: Unsplash - Adam Stefanca

Mourning cats, like the one found by the man, can have decreased appetite. They don’t want to play or engage in any physical activity. They’d rather sleep most of the day or even hide under the bed. Some of them may become listless and depressed.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or ASPCA conducted a survey in 1996.

Unsplash - Dietmar Ludmann Source: Unsplash - Dietmar Ludmann

They called it the Companion Animal Mourning Project.

Through the survey, they were able to find out that 46% of the cats involved showed a decreased appetite after losing a feline companion.

About 70% of the cats showed changes in their vocal patterns. Some cats meowed more while others were more quiet than usual.

Some skeptics don’t entirely believe that cats can grieve.

Unsplash - Giannis Skarlatos Source: Unsplash - Giannis Skarlatos

For them, the changes in the cats’ behaviors after losing a feline companion or their owner happen because of the changes in the cats’ lives.

Without their companion or their human, their schedule is off.

Their feeding routines are changed and their play schedules are altered.

Flickr - Stefano Mortellaro Source: Flickr - Stefano Mortellaro

Skeptics believe that these things upset cats.

Despite the different opinions, one thing is true: the cat found in the burial spot misses her human and it’s just heartbreaking.

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Source: Facebook – People’s Daily, China, VCA, Poll Vaulter
