Grieving husband loses wife, is left to care for 7 kids alone – then a stranger gives him $10k

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Within moments, Dakota Nelson’s life changed forever. His beloved wife of many years collapsed without warning. He alone would have to take care of their seven children.

Dakota and Ream Nelson were the perfect couple. They barely ever argued. Together, they settled down and started raising a large family.

East Idaho News/YouTube Source: East Idaho News/YouTube

They brought seven children into the world. But Ream would not be around to see all of them grow up.

One evening in July, Dakota and Ream were in their garage, cleaning it. Dakota collapsed in an instant.

Shocked, Dakota told his children to call an ambulance while he tried to revive her. Ream had gone blue in the face and wasn’t breathing.

At the hospital, Ream was in a coma but stable. The doctors informed Dakota that Ream’s brain had been devoid of oxygen for over 20 minutes. There was little chance of Ream ever waking up.

Three months went by, with Dakota praying for his wife to make a miraculous recovery. But none ever came.

One day in September, Ream passed, leaving Dakota and their seven kids still in the world. She was just 38.

Dakota Nelson/Facebook Source: Dakota Nelson/Facebook

Suddenly, Dakota had to cope with raising the kids all on his own. His eldest was 16, but his youngest was only one. He had no idea how he could manage.

Dakota had been a teacher for many years when Ream died. He stayed in that role. But he could only do the job part-time. Pretty soon, the money became tight, and the family was struggling to stay afloat.

Ream Alameel Nelson/Facebook Source: Ream Alameel Nelson/Facebook

Every year, a wealthy anonymous philanthropist in Dakota Ream’s state, Idaho, gives out gifts to people who really need them. When the philanthropist heard about Dakota’s story, they decided to help his family out.

The philanthropist gave Dakota $1,000 in gift cards for Walmart, $1,000 in gift cards for a local store and $8,000 in cash.

A local news team was given the job of informing Dakota of the philanthropist’s gift. The news team found Dakota one afternoon after he had picked his kids up from school. The presenter asked Dakota about his story. Dakota recounted the ordeals that he had been through recently. It was clear that Dakota was still struggling to come to terms with what had happened to his family.

East Idaho News/YouTube Source: East Idaho News/YouTube

Then the presenter handed the kids a box with the gift cards inside. The presenter also handed over the check. When Dakota realized he was the recipient of so much generosity, he could no longer hold back tears.

Dakota asked if he could thank the donor. But the presenter just told him that the donor wanted to remain anonymous.

Then the presenter hugged Dakota before saying goodbye.

East Idaho News/YouTube Source: East Idaho News/YouTube

That gift made a huge difference to Dakota and his kids. That Christmas, they would not be struggling.

The news team then uploaded this story onto YouTube, and it soon went viral. To date, the video has received over 1.4 million views. It also has over 34,000 likes and 4,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:

East Idaho News/YouTube Source: East Idaho News/YouTube

Everyone will experience loss during their lives. But it’s hard for most of us to imagine being in Dakota’s family’s position.

All that they want is their wife and mother back. Instead, they will have to carry on without her, somehow. Luckily, the anonymous philanthropist in this story has shown that there are people in this world who want to help them through this difficult time.

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Source: East Idaho News
