Grieving widower builds pool for all the neighborhood kids after wife passes

Keith Davison’s home seemed empty and quiet since the passing of his wife, so he decided to fill that void with the sound of laughing kids and splashing water. He built a pool for neighbors to enjoy.

The retired district court judge lost his wife Evy to cancer in 2016 after 66 years of marriage so the 94-year old built a custom, in-ground pool for his neighbors and their children.

The silence in his Morris, Minnesota home wasn’t helping with the loneliness.
“The house was pretty darn quiet when she was gone. She was the most important thing in my life and always was for years. So I went through the initial grieving process and I felt like I needed to do something more,” Davison said.
The community in the small Minnesota neighborhood didn’t have a pool so the retired judge took it upon himself to provide for them.
“We live in a nice neighborhood with a lot of good friends, and they have quite a few kiddies, I thought it’d be a neat thing to do,” he said.

Generous of him to do so. Keith has led a pretty active life. The man is a bass and tuba player with different musical groups in the area. He was also a radio operator for the Army during World War II.

Jessica Huebner, a neighbor of seven years, shared that the Davisons always treated her four kids like adopted grandchildren. They were always welcome to spend time with them as they shared stories and had fun with one another.
Keith lived as a widower for over a year and when he could no longer bear the sorrow, he hatched a plan to bring joy to others.
“You just can’t imagine what it’s like. You cry a lot. That’s just the way it is because she’s not here.”

The in-ground pool in his backyard for the neighborhood kids to enjoy now fills his place with the sound of excited kids who are more than happy to splash around and have fun.
Keith contacted a family-run company in Hopkins, Minnesota, that had once built a pool for his previous house.

Kevin Mulvaney works with the company and he helped Davison with everything, from initial planning and completing contracts back in March to teaching him how to filter the water once the pool was finished in July.
The pool is 16-by-32-foot and has a shallow end, sloping down to an eight-foot deep end complete with a six-foot diving board.
“One day he said, ‘I’m going to put a pool in, Jess,’ and I thought he may just be talking, but then sure enough he marked his yard for utilities, a cement truck came in and before we knew it, in goes this amazing pool. The pool opened up around the first part July and we’ve been over there a handful of times.” Jessica Huebner said

Keith will come out every once in awhile to socialize with his neighbors, and other times he’ll stay inside but he’s very happy to have everyone come over.
“They love to swim, I just require that a parent or a grandparent come with. I have my rules, I was a lawyer and a judge,” he said.
Davison did it out of the goodness in his heart. He used his sorrow to bring out laughter from the community. The best part is his humility. It’s not a big deal for the 94-year old. So long as everyone is happy.

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Source: my positive outlooks, YouTube