Wrap ground beef around spaghetti noodles for a mouthwatering dinner meal

Spaghetti and tomato sauce is a classic meal. But sometimes you get bored of your old favorites and want an upgrade. Well, here is a delicious new twist!

Here’s what to do the next time a spaghetti craving hits you…

Pexels - Deva Darshan Source: Pexels - Deva Darshan

It’s time to bust out that spaghetti again, because there is one special new recipe. And, for people on a diet, there’s good news too!

Pasta doesn’t have to be relegated to just cheat day!

Pasta Pantry brings us all some good news by saying:

“Pasta is part of a well-balanced diet, with current Australian Government guidelines suggesting 35% of our daily calorie intake should come from complex carbohydrates such as pasta. Combine pasta with lean protein and vegetables for a complete meal that puts you well on the path to hitting those dietary goals!”

Pexels - Ali Nefezarefi Source: Pexels - Ali Nefezarefi

Bob, aka schnell lecker, has got some delicious pasta ideas for you.

Bob is a chef who posts videos on YouTube showing different ideas and recipes. Bob describes his channel by writing:

“I like to cook and experiment in the kitchen, prepare simple and quick recipes, vegan dishes, meat dishes or cheap dishes.”

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

Bob uploaded a video of this incredible twist on pasta and ground meat. Read on to learn what he does!

The ingredients are pretty typical for a pasta dish.

Bob’s recipe calls for:

  • 50 grams of spaghetti
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 chopped bell pepper
  • 300 grams of cheese, grated
  • 400 ml of tomato sauce
  • spices to taste: salt, pepper, paprika, meat spices, and rosemary
  • and last but not least: 400 grams of minced meat

For reference, 100 grams are about 3.5 ounces.

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

And the recipe is pretty straightforward.

Of course, you have to first season the meat with the spices to your liking, and then mix them thoroughly. Then, you divide the ground meat and spaghetti into two portions, in order to wrap the meat around the spaghetti in the middle of the sticks. Next, you cook these bunches of meat and pasta over the stovetop with oil, on both sides.

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

While doing this, you will also be making a tomato sauce by sautéing onions and garlic over a low heat. Once those are sautéed, you pour the tomatoes and peppers into that same pan to make the sauce. Once you have a tomato sauce, you can pour it over your spaghetti and meat, and cook it all together for 10 minutes.

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

Your last step is to go wild with the grated cheese.

You can pour your cheese all over this mixture, and then cover the pan with it’s lid in order to let everything simmer together.

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

This is a 20-minute recipe that will satisfy you fast!

Bob also shares a second recipe, as a bonus.

YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker Source: YouTube Screenshot - schnell lecker

This one is a vegetarian-friendly, mushroom and garlic dish. Its steps are as follows:

  • mix 70 grams of butter with 30 milliliters of vegetable oil in a pan
  • chop one onion and then sautee it for three minutes with medium heat
  • add 200 grams of mushrooms
  • add salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Then add 2 chopped cloves of garlic
  • simmer for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Finally, add chopped dill and eat while it’s hot!

Watch the video below to learn how to make two delicious recipes!

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Source: Pasta Pantry, schnell lecker
