German shepherd doesn’t recognize the person standing at the door — then everything changes

There are plenty of videos out there of servicemen and women returning home only to be tackled by their faithful pets who are ecstatic to see them. In one video, though, the reunion was not so sweet, at least at first. When a service member named Bailey returned from a deployment to Kuwait, she was surprised by her family’s pet’s reaction.

A soldier’s return

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Her dad posted a video on YouTube of Bailey’s return. At the beginning of the video, Bailey stands by the front door of her parent’s home as her parents call the dog, a German shepherd named Seiko into the room. Instead of running in and saying hello to Bailey, Seiko instead is a little confused by who she is.

Who are you?

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At first, Seiko looks at Bailey in confusion and isn’t too happy by a stranger’s presence in her home. Her initial response is to sniff at Bailey’s hand and jump back. Soon, she is barking at the returned soldier. It is understandable since German shepherds are so protective of their home and Seiko was only a puppy when Bailey left.

Figuring it all out

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It is only after Bailey kneels and Seiko gets another sniff of her that recognition finally sets in. Seiko then starts to lavish Bailey with licks to the face. For her part, Bailey shows visible relief, happy that Seiko has not forgotten who she is. The two sit in front of the door, the excited Seiko being patted by Bailey.

A case of the zoomies

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Overjoyed, Seiko can’t help but grab a toy and run back and forth from one room to the other. Viewed over 13 million times on YouTube, many of the viewers were smitten by Seiko’s eventual loving reaction. Many of them left positive comments, with one viewer posting:

“Not even a billion stars can make my heart melt the way this did.”

A heartwarming reunion

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The video is a perfect example of how a pet, especially dogs, seldom forget someone from their life that they have formed a strong bond with, even if they are gone for a period of time. In some cases, they might even grieve the person’s absence and are happy at their eventual return.

This seems to be the case with Seiko, even if it took her a few minutes to remember who Bailey was. In the end, she proved just how much she had missed Bailey and was glad she was home. For more of their heartwarming interaction, check out the video below.

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Source: knox2613

H/T: YouTube – knox2613, Animal Channel, American Kennel Club
