Every time the family leaves, adorable Rottweiler makes sure to guard their bread

While many families get a dog to act as a family pet, more often than not they are expected to also guard the family home. But not all dogs are created equal in this regard! One dog, in particular, has made a name for herself by guarding the family’s bread for them while they are away.

The family guardian, sort of

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

Named Jakey, the 6-year-old Rottweiler has made it a habit of grabbing the family bread as soon as her owners go out the door. Her owner seems to think it is because the family uses bread a lot, and so the dog must believe it is very important to them.

“She started this four years ago when we moved to our farm,” Katrina Frank, who is Jakey’s owner, told The Dodo. “Every time we would leave, she would hide the bread.”

Jakey knows her baked goods

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

According to Frank, Jakey can sniff out the baked goods wherever they might be, and as soon as she closes the door to go out, Jakey is off “guard” them. Jakey is so determined to protect the family’s bread that she will stop at nothing to make sure it is safe.

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

“We have a bread box so she likes to hop up and pull it out of there,” Frank said. “If I leave it in the pantry instead, she nudges the door open and gets it out. I’ve put it in the refrigerator before and she has opened the door to get to it.”

Jakey just wants to protect the bread, not eat it

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

But the family doesn’t have to worry about Jakey eating the bread. Frank says that in all of the years that Jakey has been snatching bread, she has never once taken a bite. She even keeps the other family pets at bay as well.

“She likes to put it behind the couch and lay by it. Otherwise, [she puts it in] the closet in my bedroom,” Frank said. “I assume she thinks it’s the most important thing to us because we use it so often.”

Feeling guilty, Jakey always confesses

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

When Frank returns from wherever she went, Jakey will lead her to the bread’s location, usually with a look of guilt on her face. If by chance, there is no bread in the house, Jakey will hide any baked goods the family has. If the household has no baked goods at all, then Jakey will usually settle for the butter.

“Once she took a Tupperware of cookies off the counter and hid all 17 individually without breaking any. She led me to all of them,” Frank said.

Facebook/Katrina Frank Source: Facebook/Katrina Frank

Fortunately, Jakey is not aggressive in her resource-guarding behavior. Some dogs, though, might growl, lunge, or even bite to protect the item that they deem important. If you notice this type of behavior in your dog, take them to the vet to be checked out for any underlying problems. Failing that, you can even train them, or have them trained, to eliminate this unwanted behavior.

Here is a video with more on the breeds that make the best guard dogs to protect your home.

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Source: Animal Facts

H/T: The Dodo
