Guy finds adorable intruder in his home when he returns from work

After finishing work on a late Tuesday night, Hayden Winter was looking forward to having a quiet dinner at home and heading straight to bed. However, when he went to lay down for the night – he realized someone had already taken his spot on the bed.

Hayden was confused when he saw a random cat – not his – lying right on his bed.

Facebook/Catspotting Source: Facebook/Catspotting

The adorable, furry stranger looked comfier than ever, snuggled up on top of Hayden’s comforter as if he belonged there. The funny thing was, Hayden actually knew the cat! Her name was Fezgin and she is a street cat that wanders his neighborhood in Istanbul, Turkey.

Facebook/Catspotting Source: Facebook/Catspotting

“Istanbul is basically a city of cats and dogs,” Hayden told The Dodo. “It’s really great — people just feed them and they’re part of the community.”

Pondering how Fezgin got into his apartment, Hayden did some sleuth work. That’s when he noticed a hole pushed through the corner of his screen where she forced herself through and made herself at home!

Facebook/Official Catspotting Source: Facebook/Official Catspotting

As it turns out, this isn’t the first time the bold kitty has made an appearance in Hayden’s apartment – but she had never climbed into his bed before.

“She’s a little mischievous,” Hayden said. “She’s always playing around.”

Hayden made sure to take some photos of the precious break-in and shared them online with the group Catspotting. The kitty cat intruder has gained quite a bit of attention and love from people all around the world – many wish they could have someone like Fezgin break into their home!

Facebook/Catspotting Source: Facebook/Catspotting

This isn’t the first time a cat has decided to make themselves at home with a perfect stranger.

Jeff Saul was moving into his new house in California when he heard a meowing coming from the front door. When he and his roommates opened the door, they saw a sweet calico cat looking up at them as if they should know who she was.

“Once I heard it, I opened our front door to see her run inside,” Saul told The Dodo. “She ran to our living room to only have the most confused look on her face. I felt bad for the young girl, she ran to other rooms to only come to emptiness.”

The Dodo via Jeff Saul Source: The Dodo via Jeff Saul

Saul remembered that the previous tenants had told them they lost their cat, Crispy, before moving. They had searched everywhere but couldn’t find them before they had to leave.

Crispy searched every room looking for her family. Saul also remembered the family saying how devastated their daughter was to leave without their cat – they were moving to Texas.

Saul and his roommates calmed and comforted the cat. Later that day, the previous tenants’ had a friend stop by to pick something up that they had left behind. When they confirmed that it was, in fact, Crispy – the friend called the family in Texas.

The friend was planning on visiting the family in Texas and took Crispy with them to be reunited with her loved ones.

The Dodo via Jeff Saul Source: The Dodo via Jeff Saul

“She’s said that they’re really happy,” Saul said. “I just hope the young daughter is better hearing that their Crispy is coming home.”

Poor little Crispy must have been so scared and confused to walk into their home to discover that it wasn’t their home anymore! We’re so happy that she came back so she could be reunited.

Have you ever had a furry intruder in your home before?

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Source: The Dodo
