70 Strange Pictures That Are Hard To Understand

Every once and a while, we come across something that instantly makes our jaw drop. That’s how we felt about these crazy photos.

From police cars filled with ducks to mountaineers traversing some of the sketchiest bridges we have ever seen, this list includes 70 images that will have you shaking your head in confusion and shock.

At first glance, you might find yourself wondering, “what the heck is going on?” However, there is almost always some sort of rational explanation for everything, even though it isn’t entirely obvious at first.

amerxp00 Source: amerxp00

1. Missing Torso

The water in the pool causes this woman to look much shorter than she really is. Her body proportions are all distorted. It gives a whole new meaning to the term “big foot”.

BrazilianScientist Source: BrazilianScientist

2. Balancing Act

This man is better at balancing things on his head than most. He can support several fruits at a time. Although, why he actually wants to do so is anyone’s guess…

klyker Source: klyker

3. Natural Monster

Here we have a strange root creature emerging out of the stream. It looks like something from a fantasy movie. At any minute, it could rip itself up out of the ground and come charging at us.

Prostoilogin Source: Prostoilogin

4. Bread Chaos

Being surrounded by this much bread can be very overwhelming. We don’t blame the guy for looking scared. It’s one of the strangest bathroom trips in the history of bathroom trips.

onlyfunnydump Source: onlyfunnydump

5. Ducks In Custody

These ducks were found loitering outside a store in Connecticut. Luckily, a brave officer quickly arrived to put a stop to the crime. He loaded the ducks into his squad car and waited for their owner to arrive.

Great Bend Police Source: Great Bend Police

6. Fire Tornado

Whenever the wind picks up during a forest fire, these crazy tornados occasionally form. The flames are tossed up into a whirlwind of destruction. The sane people among us go sprinting in the other direction while the firefighters charge towards the source.

Hollygrill Source: Hollygrill

7. Sharp Nails

If you would like to get an advantage in a game of thumb wars, this is a pretty good way to do it. No one is going to want to try to pin that thumb down. It would be way too dangerous.

Imgur Source: Imgur

8. Batman Family Reunion

The superhero showed up early to the event by himself. He was the first one to arrive. All of his other family members were casually late, as usual.

ImgurderpleasegivemetoBender Source: ImgurderpleasegivemetoBender

9. Honey Surprise

This wall has a massive amount of bees living inside of it. So many, in fact, that their honey began leaking out of the wall one day. It’s pretty much a homeowner’s worst nightmare.

bex4331 Source: bex4331

10. Acrobatic Seagulls

Seagulls aren’t normally known for being hard workers. They mostly just swoop in to steal food from beachgoers whenever they are hungry. However, these two acrobats decided to put on a talent show and actually work for a living.

bobmike75 Source: bobmike75

11. Suspended Car

In Malaysia, some poor soul accidentally got their car stuck in a tree. We’re not sure if it’s a lucky break or simply a ridiculous tragedy. Certainly, the branches helped to soften the blow of the wreck a little bit.

kieran01pd2016 Source: kieran01pd2016

12. Skydiving View

You have to be pretty bold to jump out of a plane. Somehow, this man is all smiles about it though. He looks up towards the camera with a big grin on his face as he plummets towards the ground and canals below in Venice, Italy.

ImABarnacle Source: ImABarnacle

13. Deep Pothole

Most potholes are just tiny inconveniences. They can easily be avoided, or you can just slow down a small amount as you pass over them. Not this pothole in Michigan though. You could practically get lost inside of it.

cambrizzle Source: cambrizzle

14. Shredded Dog Bed

We wonder who could be responsible for this disaster. It couldn’t possibly be the dog, right? She claims that she is completely innocent, but somehow, it’s hard to believe her.

lilnicky261 Source: lilnicky261

15. Creepy Fungus

Here we have a fungus (Clathrus Archeri) that could easily be the main character in a horror movie. It hatches out of what appears to be an egg. Sure, it’s not technically an egg, but it looks pretty convincing to us.

La-Barba-Loca Source: La-Barba-Loca

16. Winter Activities

Some people use sleds to glide across the snow. This family uses a giant metal cooking pot. When you are a little kid, getting drug across the snow in a giant pot is pretty much the best thing ever.

perec206 Source: perec206

17. Bee Invasion

Hopefully, the owner of this car doesn’t have any place that they need to go anytime soon. If so, we would recommend that they take the bus. Otherwise, it’s going to be a very painful ride.

Imgur Source: Imgur

18. Red Fountain

This company tried to make their outdoor fountain pink in honor of breast cancer awareness month. However, it appears as though they didn’t get the dye color quite right. Someone messed up big time.

BoeJenjamin Source: BoeJenjamin

19. Class Of Pi

In this university, the math class is hosted in room 314. However, unless you understand the professor’s sense of humor, you might not be able to find it. He converted the classroom number into the mathematical constant Pi.

LoseUrself2D Source: LoseUrself2D

20. Spider Man Pilgrim

Every year, religious individuals from all over the world make their way to the Western Wall in Jerusalem to pray. It’s not just limited to regular humans though. Even super-humans occasionally make the pilgrimage.

SpaghettiHeresy Source: SpaghettiHeresy

21. Engine Damage

The guy driving this truck was really lucky, or really unlucky. We suppose it depends on how you look at it. The giant gear came flying out of nowhere and almost took him out.

anewhigh Source: anewhigh

22. Magic Chair

Don’t worry, you aren’t seeing things. It’s not your eyes playing tricks on you. The chair is actually passing straight through the table. It’s part of an art exhibit made by Mona Hatoum.

GovernaleJP Source: GovernaleJP

23. Thirsty Passenger

It’s not often that someone is spotted enjoying a glass of wine on the metro. In fact, it’s pretty much unheard of. The guy and his fancy wine glass just look so out of place.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

24. Animal Spirit

Combined with the shadow, this ceramic bull head statue looks even creepier than usual. We know we wouldn’t want to be hanging out in the room alone at night. It would feel like we were always being watched.

shahidhanif0 Source: shahidhanif0

25. Rat Hat

We could understand a hat with something cute on it, such as a teddy bear. However, this woman made more of an unusual choice. She went out in the winter with a rat on her head.

perec206 Source: perec206

26. Stuck Against The Ceiling

What is the purpose of a contraption like this? We aren’t entirely sure. He is wearing stilts on both of his hands and his feet in a room where there is no space for either.

andrewsmith1986 Source: andrewsmith1986

27. Coconut Crab

If you’ve never seen a coconut crab up close before, you’re in for a treat. They are absolutely massive. They live on islands all across the Indian and Pacific oceans.

BasedOnAir Source: BasedOnAir

28. Dog Pretzel

Dogs are naturally flexible. They can bend themselves into all sorts of bizarre positions. For example, every time that this dog gets scared, he hides his head underneath his legs.

JeffGoldblumsLeftNut Source: JeffGoldblumsLeftNut

29. Sexy Pig

We’ve heard of The Muppet Show before, but this is ridiculous. The guests at the party don’t know what to think, especially the little girl. She is just as surprised as everyone else.

junkyardjohn Source: junkyardjohn

30. Underworld Entrance

This lava “formed to look like a pile of bodies being sucked into the fiery void of hell”. It’s pretty wild. Obviously, that’s not what is actually happening, but to the human eye, it certainly looks like it.

Reddit__PI Source: Reddit__PI

31. Clever Disguise

Can you see the woman walking in this photo? She blends right in with the sidewalk. If you weren’t paying attention, you could easily run right into her.

Adaariy Source: Adaariy

32. Venerated Cartoon

This Russian cult worships the cartoon character Gadget Hackwrench. She is one of the characters in Disney’s Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers. It is a TV series from the late 1980s.

DrForester Source: DrForester

33. Cloudy Skies

The sky in this image looks like it has to be fake. Clouds can make some crazy formations though. We would have to consult with a meteorologist to figure out what is really going on here.

chakalaksp Source: chakalaksp

34. Reverse Hoodie

Is wearing a sweatshirt backward the new cool thing to do? We don’t really see the logic in it. However, being adults, we are totally out of the loop most of the time anyway.

ninzmrqz Source: ninzmrqz

35. Super Crew

Something unusual is going on with these funny superheroes. The street is filled with crumbling walls and destruction. Yet, they really only seem interested in each other.

Imgur Source: Imgur

36. Weird Catch

Imagine catching this bizarre creature on your next fishing trip. It has a long pointy nose, or so it appears. If you guessed it was some sort of fish, you guessed wrong. It is actually a blackmouth catshark, or in other words, a type of ground shark.

beardol Source: beardol

37. Baby Face

This baby was born with the legs of his mother. He looks just like her. The only difference is that there is something really off with all of his limb proportions. They are huge compared to his tiny head.

Trimountaine Source: Trimountaine

38. Wild Hairdoo

The man in this photo has a haircut that looks just like a leopard’s spots. It’s pretty out there. It matches the woman in front of him’s coat.

rphn Source: rphn

39. Lightning Strike

After the tree was struck by lightning, it took an entire day for it to catch on fire. It started smoldering, and slowly but surely, the embers spread. Any second now, the whole thing could burst into flames.

kimchigimchee Source: kimchigimchee

40. Caught Red-Handed

This cat was caught in the act. She had trouble and mischief on her mind. However, when the humans spotted her, she quickly stopped, frozen in her tracks with fear.

PCBlog Source: PCBlog

41. Random Shipwreck

How exactly does a boat end up crashing in between two houses? It’s a really good question. You’ll have to ask the captain, but somehow, we’re willing to bet that his explanation won’t be very satisfactory.

darthelessar Source: darthelessar

42. Amazon Life

When you are living in the Bolivian Amazon, there is danger lurking around every corner. You just become used to it after a while. Casually sitting next to a giant crocodile and reading a book is no big deal.

FromDaPlanetEarth Source: FromDaPlanetEarth

43. Front Yard Fishin’

Have you ever heard of noodling? It’s where you catch huge catfish with your bare hands. In states such as Kentucky, it’s all the rage.

Morty_Goldman Source: Morty_Goldman

44. Pet Camel

Some families keep dogs and cats as pets. Others keep goldfish or snakes. This family, on the other hand, has a camel living in their apartment.

Paperkut Source: Paperkut

45. Cloud Mountain

It appears as though there is a rolling snow-covered mountain somewhere off of the coast. However, it’s just a cloud. If you tried to swim to it, you would just keep on going and going until you disappeared into the mist.

tankedup Source: tankedup

46. Funny Bathroom

Here we have one of the strangest shower curtains ever created. Every time you use the toilet, actor Jeff Goldblum gets to watch you. Interestingly, he is also joined by a friendly primate.

cjramsey Source: cjramsey

47. Subway Dinner Prep

One of the most frustrating things about living in the city is how much time is wasted on the daily work commute. However, for this woman, it’s all about multi-tasking. She gets her dinner prepared on the ride home.

Imgur Source: Imgur

48. Epic Tree House

Tree houses and swings can be a whole lot of fun. Although, they can also be extremely scary. This one definitely leans more towards the scary side of things.

jellyzero79 Source: jellyzero79

49. Relaxing Bus Stop

This bus stop is more designed for laying down than sitting. Unless you turn your head to the side, you might not even realize that it is a bus stop. It got knocked over and no ever bothered to turn it back right-side up.

vilkakirka Source: vilkakirka

50. Parking Problem

It seemed like a great parking spot at first. The driver couldn’t figure out why no one had taken it yet. However, after parking there for himself, he soon found out.

Skalexm Source: Skalexm

51. Poor Visibility

Flying through clouds in an airplane doesn’t seem too scary at first. After all, what could go wrong? Then, you realize that occasionally, there are huge mountains hidden inside of them.

iamkokonutz Source: iamkokonutz

52. Stuck In The Cement

Is it an illusion or is this guy really embedded in the concrete? Judging by his smile, we would have to say that it is just a trick. How it was done though is anyone’s guess.

Huddunkachug Source: Huddunkachug

53. Comfortable Seat

If all of the seats on the metro are already occupied, don’t worry. There is a solution. Just bring your own rocking chair with you to sit on as this man did.

LLIauTaH Source: LLIauTaH

54. Cliff Diving

Making a jump this big is basically a leap of faith. It’s so wild, that most of us wouldn’t even consider it. In order to attempt something like this, you definitely have to be a little be crazy.

amerxp00 Source: amerxp00

55. Two-Headed Cat

There are actually two different cats in this photo. However, at first glance, it appears as though they are both fused together. They share one body but have two different heads and personalities.

ArghZombies Source: ArghZombies

56. Oldschool Rockers

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all go back to the eighties? It was a generation filled with epic music and awesome hair-doos. Although, judging by this photo, it appears as though some people still haven’t moved on.

Megalan Source: Megalan

57. Camping At Altitude

There’s nothing quite like hanging out on the side of a cliff to get your heart pumping. These people are completely relaxed about it though. They’ve already settled in for the night.

amerxp00 Source: amerxp00

58. Incoming Predators

Cliff jumping in the ocean is all fun and games. At least, until the sharks come circling in. After that, it gets significantly more precarious.

Imgur Source: Imgur

59. Glowing Clouds

A lot of people speculated that this picture was due to the sun setting underneath the clouds. However, that’s scientifically impossible. It turns out, the crazy glow is actually due to a forest fire raging down on the ground.

hicho Source: hicho

60. Sleeping Statue

How exactly does a statue end up balancing sideways on top of a McDonald’s sign? We wish we had the answer. However, the truth is that your guess is as good as ours.

Mafiosity Source: Mafiosity

61. Everyone Out

The craziest part about this skydiving photo can be seen if you look really closely around the body of the plane. We count at least eight other little silhouettes. Whether they are multiple people or single parachutes isn’t entirely clear.

Clambucket1 Source: Clambucket1

62. Tough Teacher

If you get a question wrong in this class, you could be in for a painful surprise. The teacher can be seen wearing a boxing glove on her left hand. Does she punish the students who answer incorrectly with a punch to the face?

Imgur Source: Imgur

63. Flaming Tree

This is what it looks like when a tree begins burning from the inside instead of the outside. The flames are bursting out through the bark. The photo was taken during a fire in Napa, California.

ickolas Source: ickolas

64. Elevated Parking

If there is no available street parking, you can always park on your balcony. It’s not as convenient, but the space is guaranteed to be open. It just makes getting in and out a little more difficult.

MacMansen Source: MacMansen

65. Powerful Kid

This reminds us of a young superhero just beginning to realize the true extent of her powers. She can’t even drive a real car yet. However, she is already causing things to burst into flames.

andexs Source: andexs

66. Cute Style

These two make the perfect team. They love each other so much that they even wear matching clothing. They really enjoy showing off their appreciation for one another.

kindstrangerofgold Source: kindstrangerofgold

67. Sleeping Whales

We take it for granted that mammals sleep on their sides. It seems self-explanatory. However, it turns out, it’s not entirely true. Sperm whales sleep in the water in a vertical position.

vloeibare_aids Source: vloeibare_aids

68. Talented Climber

Normally, it’s the young kids that get yelled at for climbing on things that they aren’t supposed to. However, in this case, it’s an elderly woman in a wheelchair. The fact that she was even able to get up there is beyond impressive.

Imgur Source: Imgur

69. Clown Soldier

Some people take war much more seriously than others. That’s what this photo proves. All of the soldiers are dressed for the part except for one random guy who is simply clowning around.

Imgur Source: Imgur

70. Artsy Meat

This supermarket sells raw meat shaped like characters from video games. On the left, we have a ground pork supervillain, and on the left, a beef grind Mega Man. They both pack a pretty powerful punch.

Nasicournus Source: Nasicournus

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