Hero cyclist saves dog with broken leg by carrying him to town on his back

Humans and animals have the natural instinct to help one another during difficult situations. It doesn’t matter if one is a stranger or not, we tend to do our best in reaching out a helping hand. It is an innate value that has inspired others to act the same way.

One of these people is Jarrett Little.

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Jarred and his group of friends was cycling near the woods of Columbus, Georgia when he spotted a poor creature in the bushes. The poor fellow was limping and crying for help, so he immediately went to find the source. There he spotted a poor dog who needed his help.

The dog was in pain.

He looked like he was hit by a car.

“We stopped to regroup and he came out of the woods to greet us. He was really thin, ribs showing, and had a lot of road rash and a broken leg,” Little said in an interview conducted by CBS News.

His friends gave the poor dog some food and water. They all decided to take him into town, so they can find a vet to patch him up. However, they don’t have a car with them.

So, Little made the decision of carrying the injured dog on his back while riding his bicycle.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

Once they arrived in town, a woman named Andrea Shaw saw the injured dog and immediately rushed to help.

“Right when we returned to my local bike shop to get him some more water and food, we instantly ran into Mrs. Andrea who was in town from Maine,” Little said.

Shaw was in town for a business trip and her heart immediately went to the poor dog.

It was at that moment that she decided to keep and help him.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

“I’m saving this dog – he’s bleeding and broken and I’m not leaving him,” Shaw said to her husband.

Little gave the injured dog to Shaw and was amazed at how fast she cared for the dog.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

“She paid for him to have his leg repaired with surgery and found an organization that could help get him back to Maine to live on her horse farm,” Little said.

Shaw gave the dog the medical help he needed, a new home, and a new name.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

She named him Columbo which is in honor of the town where she met him. His nickname was Bo. Once Columbo was patched up, they traveled to Maine where he can finally come home.

“Bo traveled with 25 staples in his hind leg after having four pins to put in to stabilize the fractures and a full cast on a front leg to stabilize a broken toe,” Shaw wrote.

She also thanked the company that transported Columbo which is the Canine Freedom Transportation.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

“They gave him all his meds and kept him comfy until he was back in my arms,” she continued.

As for Little, he was happy that he crossed paths with Shaw and Columbo.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

“Had I been five mins earlier or five mins later, we wouldn’t have crossed paths with her,” Little said “It’s pretty cool how far he’s come.”

Today, Columbo is one happy dog.

Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos Source: Facebook-The Adventures of Columbos

You can check his daily adventures by clicking his Facebook Page titled The Adventures of Columbo.

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Source: CBSNews, Facebook
