High school boys in tights perform the funniest illusion dance

Have you ever scrutinized an optical illusion before? It’s one of the best mental workouts there is.

You can spend minutes just analyzing an image, trying to figure out if an element is really moving or if the angles are changing.

You might also have encountered one that presents a figure you believe you’ve seen before – until it somehow shifts into an entirely different silhouette right before your very eyes.

Pixabay - Ratfink 1973 Source: Pixabay - Ratfink 1973

It’s also interesting to know that optical illusions present many benefits.

They teach us how our eyes and brain work together, they sharpen the mind, and they help us understand the difference between simply looking and actually seeing.

Moreover, optical illusions improve our problem-solving skills, spatial reasoning abilities, and visual recall.

Who wouldn’t want to engage in something that improves the thinking process?

Pixabay - Michal Jarmoluk Source: Pixabay - Michal Jarmoluk

Who knew a static image could do so much?

Curiously, too, who knew a dance choreography could cleverly present the same illusion?

These young boys definitely strategized well when they were preparing for the performance.

Straying from the typical dance choreography, they decided they wanted to do something mind-blowing.

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

These boys thought of everything, too.

Sporting black dress shirts, red neckties, and red and black tights, they managed to leave their audience staring in amazement as they moved across the stage.

It wasn’t just the color combination – it was the mind-boggling movements.

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

Whose leg is that? Is that leg floating? Whose feet are those?

It makes you wonder how much time was spent planning and practicing!

They definitely know how to stand out and keep the audience focused on their performance.

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

Nope, there was no levitation.

It’s just the fun and amazing way they created movement coupled with the right timing.

The audience sure loved it! There was always laughter and applause throughout the performance.

Most importantly, the boys were enjoying every minute of it.

They knew their hard work was appreciated and their efforts produced the effect they were aiming for.

It’s going to be hard to top this one, for sure!

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

Online viewers were equally entertained and amazed, too.

User S Underwood wrote,

“I bet they had such a laugh learning the routines! Thank you for sharing.”

Helen Reed said, “They did an awesome job!”

Another user, Krishna Chandra, commented,

“It’s just perfect, I have seen many videos like this by other people but it is too good.”

Venera Berens wrote, “Absolutely spectacular, this made my day!”

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

It’s nice to see viewers from all over expressing their appreciation for these young boys.

Some were a bit too critical but the positive comments still stood out.

After all, a flawless performance wasn’t the goal – fun and entertainment were, and they definitely had that down pat.

How fortunate that everything was captured on video – now they’ll always have something to look back on and share with their family and friends.

YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian Source: YouTube Screenshot - Ed Garabedian

Prepare to laugh as you give your mind a light workout with the fun dance below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Ed Garabedian, Brainart.co
