High school sweethearts meet 63 years later and rekindle a romance ending in marriage

They say true love never dies. This is a story that proves no matter how long one has been separated from someone they cherish, that love is still there and can be rekindled if the stars align.

A couple from Ohio has married 63 years after their romance had seemingly ended.

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Their story begins at a high school dance in 1956.


Much like the popular movie Grease, this is a love story that started in the 1950s. Bob and Annette were both attending a high school dance, though they didn’t attend together. Annette had just transferred to the area from Kentucky and Bob fell head over heels in love with her.

Annette would later admit that at the dance that night, she was nervous as she says she didn’t know how to dance. Bob asked her to dance and led the way, however. That would set the stage for their high school romance.

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The two began dating after the dance.

After the dance, the two began dating. Bob was completely smitten with Annette.

“When she came into the study hall, and I saw her for the very first time, she was the most beautiful woman — which she still is today — that I have ever seen in my life,” Bob told WBNS-TV.

Unfortunately, Annette went back to Kentucky after high school and the couple was forced to go their separate ways.

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Bob and Annette would each marry other people.

With Annette out-of-state, Bob met and married a woman named Diane in 1959. Annette would also get married. She wed a man named John in 1961.

Each would have full lives and multiple children through the years. Annette and her husband had 4 children, 11 grandkids, and 1 great-grandchild. As for Bob, he had two children with his wife, 3 grandkids, and 1 great-grandchild.

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Bob and Annette each lose their spouses.

Both Bob and Annette would lose their spouses. Annette’s husband John battled dementia for seven years before passing away. Bob’s wife Diane had a long battle with cancer before she passed away as well.

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Bob discovers Annette is a widow.

Bob later admitted that thoughts of Annette never did leave him and eventually he came to think about her more and more.

“This woman who’d been gentle on my mind became an obsessive on my mind,” he said.

He discovered that Annette was a widow some four years after her husband had passed on. He sent her a condolence card but it perhaps read more like a love letter.

“Dear Annette, life is a journey of sweetness and sorrow, of yesterday’s memories, of hopes for tomorrow,” the card read.

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Annette responds to Bob.

Annette gave Bob a call 8 days later.

“When I said, ‘Bob, this is Annette,’ he just choked up, and I said, ‘I know it’s surprising that I’m calling you,’ or something, and finally he got his voice and could talk to me,” Annette expressed.

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Bob drives to see Annette.

The very next day Bob got in his car and drove 12 hours from Virginia to see Annette in Ohio and deliver flowers to her.

“I took her face in my hands. I’ve got to do this for you,” he said. “Like this, I said, ‘I love you, you’re beautiful, and I’m going to kiss you whether you want me to or not.’ And we kissed, and I’m serious on this, 60 years disappeared. Poof.”

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One month later the couple is engaged.

They would become engaged a month later and marry a few months after that. At their wedding, they shared another dance just as they had back in 1956 in high school. Both Bob and Annette also mentioned their former spouses and said that they felt both had given the union their blessing.

Bob mentioned, “We both feel the Lord is instrumental in getting us back together.”

Learn more about Bob and Annette’s heartwarming story in the video below.

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Source: WSLS 10/USA Today
