Hilarious Golden Retriever does his best to hijack dad’s workout

Working out at home offers a lot of benefits. Apart from the freedom to exercise whenever you want, it will also cost you a lot less than a gym membership. You won’t even have to leave your home.

One man was enjoying all the above-mentioned benefits of working out at home during the quarantine. Until recently, that is.

Everything was going smoothly until his spunky Golden Retriever decided it was time for Dad to switch things up a bit!

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A hilarious video shows the hilarious dog doing everything in his power to distract dad from a good workout!

With his workout equipment all set up, the man began his routine. He started with his home pull up machine. After working out his upper body, he picked up his mat to do the rest of his routine.


When the mat came out, though, all bets were off with his Golden retriever.


After seeing the mat, Bailey started wagging her tail.

She looked SUPER excited.

In fact, she got on the mat even before his human could step on it!.

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There was no pushing her off of it, so Dad had to pick her up and put her on the couch so he could exercise.

However, before he could even start his routine, his dog was already back on the mat. She was running around him as if encouraging him to play a game with her.

This Retriever was refusing to let her human exercise!

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Bailey positioned herself across the mat as if telling her human that he should stop what he’s doing and play with her IMMEDIATELY. Dad gives in just a little and gives her a good belly rub.

It worked for a while…until it didn’t.

After the man was able to get to a plank position, Bailey started jumping around. She even managed to get in between the man and the mat and it was super hilarious.

Then, Bailey decided to join her human’s workout routine.

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She got on his back while he was finishing his plank hold. The added weight certainly made the exercise a bit harder for the man, but hey, no pain no gain, right?

Bailey got what she wanted.

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It wasn’t clear if the man was able to finish his routine or not. The only thing that’s clear was that Bailey got what she wanted.

The two ended up playing tug-of-war with Bailey’s favorite toy and the dog got the exercise she needed.

They looked so stinkin’ adorable. People who’ve seen their video have nothing but good things to say about them.

One viewer commented:

“The amount of positive energy radiating from this video made my day a whole lot better. Thank you.”

A lot of the viewers found the video relatable, too.

“My retriever does the same as yours, he’s got as much room as he wants, but no, he must lie on my mat when I exercise. Retrievers are the best.” – one viewer shared.

Golden retrievers are naturally playful.

Bailey’s behavior doesn’t come as a surprise. Golden retrievers are happy and fun-loving creatures. You’ll never have a dull moment when you have one around. They are quite friendly, too, and are great around kids and other animals.

Bailey isn’t the only celebrity in her family.

Instagram/funny_dog_bailey Source: Instagram/funny_dog_bailey

She has an unlikely best friend named Sam, a red rabbit. The two have lots of photos together on their Instagram account, and they also have videos posted on Bailey’s YouTube channel.

Although big, Bailey is gentle whenever she’s around Sam. She always makes sure to be extra careful when she’s kissing and cuddling on her tiny buddy.

To see this hilarious Golden Retriever hi-jack her dad’s workout routine, watch the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Instagram
