10+ Hilarious notes people left on the windshields of bad parkers

If you’re a good driver, you know how frustrating it can be when you see someone who doesn’t respect the rules. This is especially true in parking lots, where people are always going over the lines, taking up two spaces with just one car, or even parking illegally in handicap spots.
When you see these kinds of bad parking jobs, you can’t help wanting to say something to the people responsible.
In most cases, however, we just tend to roll our eyes and move on. Well, some folks do things differently. They leave funny little notes on the windshields of every bad parker they see, and we’ve gathered together 12 of our favorites to share with you.
1) That Explains It

If people are bad at parking, this is a great little sign you can use to let them know! It might not have the desired effect of making them change their ways, but at least it’ll put a smile on your face.
2) The Taters Are Coming!

This guy parked in his neighbor’s spot, so his neighbor took revenge in one of the funniest and most unexpected ways possible by placing a ‘Potato Clan’ on the guy’s hood.
3) Congratulations!

When this guy’s colleagues saw his awful parking job and noticed he left his car keys on his desk, they decided to sneak down and leave this surprise waiting for him.
4) Roses Are Red…

It doesn’t quite rhyme, but this bad parking poem definitely gets the message across.
5) This Is What Happens

Bad parking doesn’t just cause inconvenience to other drivers and annoy the general public, it can even make people start questioning their own grammar. This is just one more reason to start parking properly
6) Well Done

Here’s a prize that nobody wants to win: the Inconsiderate Parkers Prize! Really though, if you have such a small car, it shouldn’t be so difficult to park properly. There’s no excuse!
7) One For The Simpsons Fans

Here’s a windshield note that is sure to put a smile on the face of any Simpsons fans out there. It’s a reference to an episode of the show where the angry old man, Jasper Beadsley, becomes a teacher at Springfield Elementary.
8) And One For Game Of Thrones Fans

This note has a Game of Thrones theme! As anyone who watched the show will know, it’s never a good sign when the Lannisters ‘send their regards’. This note becomes even funnier when you learn that the owner of the car had a Stark sigil bumper sticker.
9) Spot The Dog

This is one of the cutest passive aggressive windshield notes we’ve ever seen.
10) Even A Bunny Can’t Help

Even a super cute fluffy bunny can’t help when bad parkers come to town!
11) Do You Need A Diagram?

This has to be one of the most elaborate windshield notes anyone ever received. Not only did someone take the time to type and print a whole explanation of the problem, they even included a little diagram at the bottom!
12) Tapdancing?

At first, the bad parker might have thought this was a simple business card or advertisement. Then, they looked a little closer and hopefully got the message! The guy who left this one apparently printed off dozens of them to carry around and leave every time he saw a bad parker. Now that’s what we call commitment.
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Source: Shareably