50 hilarious things that every person with siblings can relate to

Growing up with siblings comes with a whole slew of experiences. From sweet moments to ones that make you want to rip your hair out, having brothers and sisters keeps life interesting.

People took to Twitter to show their love and vent their frustrations about siblings. Sometimes, they even managed to do both in the same sentence. Hey, family can be complicated, especially siblings.

How many of these Tweets do you just get?

The Struggle Is Real

The morning struggle to get a shower before all the hot water is gone is all too real.

How many times have you started the day after a two-minute cold shower while your sibling looked completely put together after their hour in the bathroom?

@ItsDestineeOkay via Twitter Source: @ItsDestineeOkay via Twitter

When They’re Adorable

Sometimes little sisters and brothers can remind us how much we cherish our family. They can take the simplest things and make them into something special.

@falahxo via Twitter Source: @falahxo via Twitter

Even Play Fighting Can Get Ugly

You never know when an innocent pillow fight is going to become a death match. Did you come prepared with armor?

@takosunnxx via Twitter Source: @takosunnxx via Twitter

Labeling Everything – Precisely

We have gone to great lengths in attempts to keep what it ours. This includes counting rice, or claiming that we have.

@Am_AndaGrace via Twitter Source: @Am_AndaGrace via Twitter

“We’re Not Up to Anything”

All those times when you got in a fight or up to trouble but decided your parents didn’t need to know. Secrets between siblings are sacred.

@theHPfacts via Twitter Source: @theHPfacts via Twitter

The Love

Sometimes we forget how much we really love our siblings. Thankfully, it’s easy to look back on moments and remember how special they are to us.

@Amayrannni via Twitter Source: @Amayrannni via Twitter

When You Just Know

You have a shared understanding of things. Sometimes all it takes is one look to say everything you’re both thinking.

@JulianMaea via Twitter Source: @JulianMaea via Twitter

Non-Voluntary Sharing

Nothing that is yours seems to actually be yours. Often, the first place you start looking for your stuff is in their room.

that look
@diegheaux via Twitter Source: @diegheaux via Twitter

Younger Siblings Get it Easier

Parents have all sorts of ideas about how they are going to raise their children. By the time they get to the second or third, they’re usually too worn out to keep all those rules.

@bella_bee7 via Twitter Source: @bella_bee7 via Twitter

Perfecting Looking Innocent

No one wants the wrath or mom or dad for something they didn’t even mean to do. Feigned innocence is the way to go, even when that innocence is genuine.

@Raahut via Twitter Source: @Raahut via Twitter

Sick Days

That special feeling you get when you finally get the place to yourself, even if you had to sacrifice your health for it.

Think about it, a whole day of watching and doing whatever you want with no interruptions.

@iresimpsonsfans via Twitter Source: @iresimpsonsfans via Twitter

Half Siblings

They’re just siblings!

We can get pretty protective of family. A brother or sister is just that. There are no halves about it!

half brother
@haja_monae via Twitter Source: @haja_monae via Twitter

“We’re Fine!”

All those times when you were fighting or roughhousing with siblings but didn’t want to get in trouble for it.

Of course we’re fine! We’ve just been doing math homework!

@___hayate___ via Twitter Source: @___hayate___ via Twitter

When You Love Your Siblings

Siblings can be some of our worst enemies, but they can also be our best friends. It’s a bond that can’t be broken.

@_syddsational via Twitter Source: @_syddsational via Twitter

When They Get to You

They know everything about you, including your weak spots.

And they will poke at those spots relentlessly.

@2seoksmiles via Twitter Source: @2seoksmiles via Twitter

Getting in Trouble Together

There is always someone with you when you get in trouble.

Whether you hate them for not doing their part of the chores and getting you in trouble or are just happy you’re not in it alone – they are there with you.

@AsiaOharaLand via Twitter Source: @AsiaOharaLand via Twitter

The Fridge Struggle

You can label it. You can hide it in the back of the fridge. If you have a drink you really want and are saving for later – it will go missing.

@_Nasiruddin_ via Twitter Source: @_Nasiruddin_ via Twitter

When They Get All the Attention

Sometimes they leave us feeling like the forgotten.

It’s easy to go unnoticed when there is always someone else there to hog the attention.

@Belyk_pakistani via Twitter Source: @Belyk_pakistani via Twitter

The Fear!

There’s a certain lack of trust that comes with experience when it comes to siblings.

Is it safe this time? Hm.

@SriMemes via Twitter Source: @SriMemes via Twitter

The Guilt!

Sometimes all you want is a glass of water. Instead, you’ll hear about that time you didn’t bring them one five years ago.

@k_dilsh via Twitter Source: @k_dilsh via Twitter

There’s Something About Being a Sibling

Sometimes, being around them lets you act in ways that you wouldn’t around anyone else.

Is this always a good or a bad thing? It probably depends on the situation. Spontaneous hugs can happen too.

@imauroragons via Twitter Source: @imauroragons via Twitter

The Rush for the Food

There is a serious concern that all the good snacks will go missing before you get there. This is especially true if you have a sibling with a voracious appetite.

@ItsBelindaxoxo via Twitter Source: @ItsBelindaxoxo via Twitter

Looking Like Family

You get tired of hearing that you look exactly the same. This is especially true since you’re fairly certain you’re not a twin.

@Selfcar55817542 via Twitter Source: @Selfcar55817542 via Twitter

Getting Creative

There is a certain amount on ingenuity required to survive life with siblings. Maybe the skill you develop will pay off later in life. We’re not exactly sure how, but somehow…

@mascoffeeplease via Twitter Source: @mascoffeeplease via Twitter

The Obvious Plotting

You become convinced that everything they do is intended to undermine you.

Hey, you’re not paranoid if they’re actually doing it.

younger siblings
@natalieedume via Twitter Source: @natalieedume via Twitter

Getting No Recognition

When you do a million things for them but they only notice the one thing you didn’t do.

Remember, you have a life too, and you’re not their servant.

@sundeshasarika via Twitter Source: @sundeshasarika via Twitter

The Struggle Over the Remote

The lengths you go to just to watch a show from beginning to end.

Losing the remote, or the remote batteries, or hiding it in the couch…we’ve tried just about everything.

TV remote
@MohitGaurMG via Twitter Source: @MohitGaurMG via Twitter

Being the Youngest Sibling

When your parents forget to add you to the family album.

Younger siblings miss out on the experience of everything you do being new. By the time you take your first steps, they are the second, third, or fourth first steps that your parents have seen.

baby pictures
@M7_Shakeeb via Twitter Source: @M7_Shakeeb via Twitter

Using the Power of Being Gross

Sometimes you just have to.

They won’t touch your stuff if they think it’s infested with germs, right?

@torias_98 via Twitter Source: @torias_98 via Twitter


When you don’t always need to say you’re sorry.

Sometimes fights happen. You don’t need a formal apology for every one before you can go back to being best friends.

@karenguerreiro_ via Twitter Source: @karenguerreiro_ via Twitter

How Annoying They Can Be

Having someone around all of the time can be irritating.

Even how they scroll silently through Instagram can become the biggest annoyance sometimes.

@bakerstreetbish via Twitter Source: @bakerstreetbish via Twitter

Some of the Conversation Topics…

You have had full discussions about things that just do not come up in ordinary conversation.

What exactly is the mathematical equation for who has the most chest hair?

@BrendaLynnNeil via Twitter Source: @BrendaLynnNeil via Twitter

When They Need a Ride

They never seem to hear you when you say something.

“I’ll be there in an hour,” seems to translate to “I’m going to drop everything and show up right now.”

@JUSTBYRDD via Twitter Source: @JUSTBYRDD via Twitter

When They Drive You Crazy

They really know how to be annoying. The doorway is still part of the room!

@DelilahClaire1 via Twitter Source: @DelilahClaire1 via Twitter

When Parents are Around

When parents are around it changes the whole dynamic. We’re still not sure how it makes injuries occur. It just does.

@shonenclout via Twitter Source: @shonenclout via Twitter

The Teasing

When they’re just mean.

Sometimes, it just seems like they don’t have anything better to do that say you look like the frog before he turned into a prince.

@FarhanNitrate5 via Twitter Source: @FarhanNitrate5 via Twitter

No Need for Apologies

Sometimes the only thing that is required to heal hurt feelings is a little time and silence.

By the time dinner is ready, all is forgotten.

@hennaahmedx via Twitter Source: @hennaahmedx via Twitter

The Lies!

There is a certain amount of misrepresentation that goes on when it comes to recalling events. This even occurs when there is clear evidence left over.

@devonchopstick via Twitter Source: @devonchopstick via Twitter

Life Without Them

They irritate you but you would miss them if they weren’t around. Who else can you be your true around?

@Raeesa38004527 via Twitter Source: @Raeesa38004527 via Twitter

Standing Together

You are a united force. It’s a good feeling to always have someone in your corner.

@ThisIsAmendo via Twitter Source: @ThisIsAmendo via Twitter

When Mom’s Not There

They are fun to (mildly) torture.

When you have nothing else to do, there is still someone there to pester or play with.

@Aunt_Buff99 via Twitter Source: @Aunt_Buff99 via Twitter

A United Front

They will stand up for you. Even if you aren’t getting along, they are still your siblings and family comes first.

@NININ_Flores via Twitter Source: @NININ_Flores via Twitter

How Much They Mean to You

Siblings are a big part of us and a hard one to forget. We miss them when they move away and start families of their own. They will always be a part of our life.

@wgd0923 via Twitter Source: @wgd0923 via Twitter

There to Help You Out

They are there to help you when you really need it. Just give them a few minutes to stop laughing first.

@AstridD_Realtor via Twitter Source: @AstridD_Realtor via Twitter

The Race to the Bathroom

That epic race to the bathroom in the morning could make you a competitive sprinter in no time.

Were you the sibling who always got there first or the one who came in last?

@Tattooforaweek via Twitter Source: @Tattooforaweek via Twitter

I’m Not Touching You!

They really know how to bother you while still (barely) respecting boundaries.

“I’m not touching you. There’s a whole centimeter of space left.”

@TylerMo95 via Twitter Source: @TylerMo95 via Twitter

When They Know

Are they just irritated or can you see into their soul? There are some things that just don’t need to be said for the message to come across.

@FarhanNitrate5 via Twitter Source: @FarhanNitrate5 via Twitter

A Glass Half Empty

You end up sharing even when you don’t want to.

Maybe try a million pieces of duct tape on the bottle next time.

@bloopblook via Twitter Source: @bloopblook via Twitter

When They Get it Wrong

Younger siblings are famous for getting instructions and stories completely wrong. Most of the time, it isn’t even close to what you actually said!

@Joshuarren via Twitter Source: @Joshuarren via Twitter

Siblings for Life

Some things never change.

Your siblings will always be your siblings, whether you are five or fifty.

@bekah_owsley via Twitter Source: @bekah_owsley via Twitter

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Source: Buzzfeed

Featured image by hawkinsmaryellen via Flickr
