Historians find millions of dollars of lost artwork in apartment abandoned since 1939

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At the outbreak of World War Two, Solange Beaugiron fled from the Nazis, leaving her apartment filled with her late grandmother’s possessions.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Madame Marthe de Florian, an actress, lived in an apartment in Paris.

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When she passed away in 1939, her granddaughter, Solange Beaugiron, inherited it. She only lived in the apartment for a short period of time before war broke out.

Realizing that the Nazis were coming to Paris, Solange Beaugiron escaped, leaving the apartment mostly as it had been when her grandmother had occupied it.

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Solange Beaugiron never returned to Paris. Yet her lawyers kept on paying the apartment’s rent. For the next seven decades, the apartment was vacant.

When Solange Beaugiron died, her heirs learned of the empty apartment for the first time ever.

They asked auctioneers to take an inventory of the apartment, meaning that for the first time since World War Two, it would be opened.

Instagram - Ourstoryinterior Source: Instagram - Ourstoryinterior

The auctioneers were astonished by what they found inside.

Underneath layers upon layers of dust were many treasures.

YouTube - Obsolete Oddity Source: YouTube - Obsolete Oddity

Many of the furnishings dated back to the 19th century. In fact, every room looked like it belonged in a grand chateau.

Almost everything in the apartment was valuable.

YouTube - ObsoleteOdddity Source: YouTube - ObsoleteOdddity

But then the auctioneers found something that they couldn’t believe they were seeing.

To the untrained eye, it looked like a simple painting of a woman in a pink dress. But the auctioneers knew that it was so much more.

YouTube - ObsoleteOddity Source: YouTube - ObsoleteOddity

The painting was signed by Giovanni Boldini. He was an acclaimed Italian painter who had spent most of his career in Paris. Time Magazine even named him the “Master of the Swish.”

But how had this important work of art wound up in the apartment?

Next to the painting was a stack of love letters. The letters showed a correspondence between the painter and Solange Beaugiron’s grandmother. The two had been lovers. Clearly, the grandmother had also been Boldini’s artistic muse.

Instagram - Palazzodiamanti Source: Instagram - Palazzodiamanti

The painting turned out to be the most valuable of all of the items in the apartment. At auction, it managed to sell for $3 million.

A video of this story then appeared on YouTube, where it went viral. To date, it has gained over 6.3 million views. It also has over 10,000 likes and 1,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:

YouTube - ObsoleteOddity Source: YouTube - ObsoleteOddity

Some have wondered why Solange Beaugiron never returned to her apartment nor told her family about its existence. Perhaps the answer is due to the trauma of the war?

Not only did she not return to the apartment, but she also did not return to Paris. It’s likely that she had friends, and maybe even lovers, who did not survive the war. And she may have resisted revisiting the place that would have reminded her of the people that she had lost.

This is a unique story. We will never know for sure why Solange Beaugiron never returned to the apartment. All we can do is wonder.

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Source: ObsoleteOddity, Time
