Pour vinegar into ice cube trays – plus 7 other brilliant uses

There are certain simple items and household products that have a whole bunch of secret secondary uses, able to help out with all kinds of daily chores and random tasks.

Vinegar is one amazing example! Not only can it be used in meal preparation, but vinegar, specifically white distilled vinegar, is also a hugely effective cleaner with a lot of possible uses around the home.

Here are some interesting examples you might not have heard of before, courtesy of Hometalk.

Clean Out Your Garbage Disposal

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Nobody wants to deal with a stinky, dirty garbage disposal, but they can be pretty tricky to clean with conventional means. Well, all you need to do is freeze some vinegar in a standard ice cube tray. Once it’s frozen, place the cubes into the disposal, turn it on, and run some water over the top too. The vinegar will clean out the disposal and remove any lingering odors in the process.

Remove Nasty Smells

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Got some stinky shoes or a workout bag that started to smell a little funky? Well, instead of trying to wash these large and awkward items by hand or in the machine, all you need to do is pour some vinegar into a spray bottle and give your odorous items a few little sprays. It does an incredible job of eliminating unpleasant smells.

Clean Your Shower Curtain

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Over time, shower curtains can develop stains, marks, and even little patches of mold due to all the moisture they have to deal with. For a great way to keep them clean, simply place them in the washing machine and add a single cup of white vinegar. Set the washer onto a warm handwash cycle, and the vinegar will work like magic to make any marks or stains fade away.

Make Reusable Cleaning Cloths

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Grab some washcloths and place them into a simple tupperware container. Dilute some vinegar and pour it into the container over the cloths and leave it to soak in. You can then use these cloths over and over to clean surfaces around your kitchen and bathroom, as the acidic vinegar will get rid of grease, mineral deposits, and more. Simply toss them in the washing machine when you’re done and start the process all over again.

Soften Your Towels

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Try pouring a cup of vinegar into the washing machine with your towels. You won’t believe how much softer and fluffier they feel when they come out of the machine.

Make A Cleaning Solution

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Mix equal parts of vinegar and water into a spray bottle to make your own natural cleaning solution. It can be used for things like counters, backsplashes, sinks, and bathtubs, and it’s really good at cleaning the shelves in your refrigerator too, but avoid using it on marble or granite counters. If the smell of vinegar bothers you, add a few essential oil drops to the mixture.

Clean Fresh Fruits And Veggies

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Did you know that vinegar can be super useful for cleaning fresh produce? Simply spray a little on things like apples and pears and rinse them with water before eating to wash away dirt and bacteria.

Clean Appliances

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Mix equal parts of water and vinegar, along with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, together in a bowl. Place the bowl inside your microwave and let it run for up to 10 minutes. The heat will cause the mixture to evaporate around the inside of the appliance, allowing you to open it up and wipe away any stains or marks from the inner walls or door.

You can do a similar thing with dishwashers too. Place a cup of vinegar into a glass and sit the glass in the top rack of your dishwasher. Then run the dishwasher and let the vinegar work its magic to clean the inside of your appliance. Check out the video below to learn more!

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Source: Hometalk
