Homecoming queen foregoes her crown and gives it to a special needs student instead

A homecoming queen revealed her true nature in front of everyone during her coronation.

Homecoming has been a long-time scholastic tradition in the United States – and it holds an even greater tradition in some small Iowa towns. In Wayne Community Schools in Corydon, the event was in full swing but it would only get better from there.

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One such teenager who was excited about the events was Chelsea Sloan.

Sloan, a young girl with Down syndrome, was battling arthritis and kidney disease. But despite these challenges, she always had a positive disposition in life.

In a Facebook post shared by her mother Angie Sloan, she expressed how excited Chelsea was. Angie said that Chelsea “doesn’t usually get too worked up about these types of things,” but this was different.

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Chelsea looked forward to the event with great anticipation because she had been voted into the homecoming court.

Her doctors knew about it. Her therapists also knew about it. Receptionists and other people she talked to all knew about it.

Facebook - Angie Sloan Source: Facebook - Angie Sloan

Chelsea’s excitement also meant a lot to Angie, especially when they shopped for dresses and did her hair, nails, and make-up. It may just be normal homecoming preparations for some, but for Angie, it meant so much more than that.

Facebook - Angie Sloan Source: Facebook - Angie Sloan

“All of these things made this mama so happy, just getting to experience these normal everyday things that most people take for granted,” she said in her Facebook post,

Unbeknownst to her, the experience was just about to get better.

Chelsea stood in the middle of the gymnasium with all of her classmates watching the coronation event. But before the winner was announced, another homecoming nominee handed Melanie Halferty, one of the teachers, a microphone and a note.

Facebook - Angie Sloan Source: Facebook - Angie Sloan

She also told the teacher one simple instruction – to read the note if she wins.

Halferty gave the note a quick read-over, and at that moment, she already knew it’s going to be hard to read it without crying.

“I am honored to have been voted as this year’s homecoming queen, but tonight I would like to share my crown with a girl who always has a smile on her face and has overcome so many hardships. And that person is Miss Chelsea Sloan,” the note read.

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And as Halferty read the words, Katie Gassman, the school’s homecoming queen that year, walked over to Chelsea Sloan.

She then placed the tiara on Sloan’s head.

Facebook - Angie Sloan Source: Facebook - Angie Sloan

Angie was so moved by the gesture and expressed her profound gratitude in her Facebook post:

“There really are no words that can describe how I feel. We are so fortunate to live in such a loving community. The students at Wayne Community Schools have proven time and time again that they have kindness and integrity that is so easily forgotten in this day and age. I am so humbled by the love and compassion that they have always shown Chelsea.”

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As Chelsea waved to the crowds that flanked the homecoming parade, we are reminded by the power of kindness and acceptance. It might just be a simple act of sharing a crown and the stage, but for others, these moments mean the world to them.

Watch the heartwarming video below!

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Source: Facebook – Angie Sloan, YouTube – KCCI, KCCI
