Homeowner confronts Amazon delivery driver stealing expensive Siamese cat

Waiting on a package comes with different emotions. There’s anxiety, anticipation, excitement, and happiness.

When a man from Chingford, Essex received his package on a Monday, he didn’t feel any positive emotion.

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Instead, he felt furious as he saw the delivery guy dropping his package on his doorstep and attempting to take something precious to him. It was his 13-year-old Siamese cat.

His security camera recorded everything.

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That day, the Amazon driver walked towards his doorstep to drop off his package. There, he was approached by Yoshi, the family’s half Burmese, half Siamese cat. Being friendly, he decided to greet the stranger at the door.

However, instead of just petting the cat and giving it a good belly rub, the Amazon driver picks Yoshi up before attempting to leave the property.

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At that point, the homeowner knew he had to confront the man or he’d lose his precious cat.

He shared:

“When I opened the door I could see him bending over putting the cat close to his van which I thought was strange, but when I came around the corner I saw him put the cat in the van, that’s when I confronted him.”

The homeowner quickly ran down to face the man.

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He wanted to know the reason behind his weird behavior. Face to face, he asked the stranger:

“Why are you trying to take my cat and put it in your boot?”

Instead of giving a reasonable explanation, the driver only said “nothing” before saying he’s sorry.

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For the homeowner, the driver was probably motivated by money. With silver eyes, his cat is a bit different than others. Most Siamese cats are born with green eyes and not bright blue. With his appearance, Yoshi looks like he’s worth a lot of money.

The cat owner couldn’t recognize the man.

Amazon sends different delivery men so it was difficult to recognize the driver. With this, the man decided to get the manager’s number instead.

However, when he called, the manager didn’t seem apologetic. This made the cat owner think that he’s probably not the manager at all.

Amazon was alerted about what happened. They were able to confirm the man who seemed to be not employed by the company.

A representative from Amazon said:

“We have very high standards for our delivery service providers and how they serve customers. We are taking this matter seriously and have reached out to the customer to make this right. The delivery associate will no longer be delivering on behalf of Amazon.”

The incident was reported to the police.

The investigation is still ongoing but there have been no arrests after the report. With the police being alerted of what happened, the number of pets getting abducted will hopefully go down.

If you find the same thing happening to you, it’s best to contact your local police department as soon as possible. It’s also a good idea to call local shelters and distribute fliers. These days, getting the word out on social media is helpful, too. It won’t just help you find your pet faster but it can also increase people’s awareness.

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Source: Daily Mail, YouTube
